The wife out did me again!


New Member
Well, I officially suffer from "Wife shooting bigger bucks than me syndrome"!! This is 2 years in a row!! I am coping and I will be fine.... I Hope??? LOL

I was tagged out yesterday morning with my biggest buck to date. So we decided to go out together and sit in a box blind on a clover food plot that had not been hunted yet this year. Once we got in the blind my wife told me that the first doe that came by was going to get a dirt nap. I told her that we should wait because this spot had not been hunted yet this year and reminded her that we had a 3 and a half hour drive home last night and that if we needed to stay late we should try to make it worth it with a buck. She reluctantly agreed and so she started to let the does go by. About six o'clock rolled around and a nice 10 pointer stepped on to the food plot. I glassed him and told her he was a shooter. She raised her gun up to set it out the window of the blind and realized she was sitting to low and couldnt get a shot off. I told her to sit on my lap and give it a try. As she sat down, settled in and cocked the hammer on the Pro Hunter I said "Wait wait wait!!! There are 2 more bucks coming on the field and the last one is the biggest." He came in and started feeding twards us. I ranged him at 100yards and told her to shoot when he turned broadside. He turned broadside and then BOOOOOOOMMMM!!! When the smoke cleared we seen him laying on the ground dead in his tracks. Perfect High front shoulder shot! She immediately broke down crying.. She had a tough weekend last weekend after missing a Very well to do buck!! She was so happy to have one on the ground. I now know that she really does take pride and love in the art of hunting. It was great that she got to sit with me in the morning and watch me shoot my biggest buck to date and I got to experience the same with her!! Our buddy Kevin also shot a nice buck with his bow this night and we got some double pics. Here they are.


Awesome pics and story!!! If you have last year's pics of being out-done there, love to see em! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Congrats!
Wow, you guys are getting it done. Congrats to her, and it looks like you will have quite the taxidermy bill this year.
