After filling my first archery tag Monday morning I was undecided on whether I should wait to buy a 4th season tag or go get another bow tag. Since 4th season doesn’t start until May 2nd I opted for the bow tag. I slipped into a piece of property that borders the river and popped up the blind yesterday on my lunch hour. This morning the weather was far from what you want as a turkey hunter but I was fairly confident there were birds roosting on my side and I have had awesome luck there the last couple years.
I made my way in the dark and had the decoys set and ready to roll by 5:20.
The wind was really whipping and I knew I wouldn’t be able to hear any gobbles outside of 100 yards or so. The first and only gobble came at 6:01. Being in a blind really hinders your hearing so I wasn’t sure where it came from. I made a couple fly down calls and some soft yelps and sat back to read up on IW. a short 5 or so minutes later out of the corner of my eye I catch movement and no more than 3-4 steps from my blind a tom is racing to my Jake decoy followed by another. I slowly reached for my bow and hooked up waiting for them to take a break from flogging my decoy. I drew back and strained to find my top pin, once I got everything settled I let the arrow eat. The bigger bird lay next to the decoy as the second tom spent nearly 15 minutes beating his downed partner.
What a season! Short but very rewarding as this is the first time I have tagged two birds with a bow in Iowa. I plan on going out with friends here in Iowa until the second annual Kansas trip in May.:grin: :drink1:
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