Crossbow contains 2,4 d, it is a 50/50 mix with diesel, will kill almost everything that it touches when mixed
Crossbow contains 2,4 d, it is a 50/50 mix with diesel, will kill almost everything that it touches when mixed
What % mix?
Weed trees are usually easy to kill via double girdle, some species like shingle oak are easy to kill with a single girdle but hickory, elm and hackberry require two complete girdles and deeper is better. You can poison them as well but never use poison on oaks as their roots grow together and you can kill several trees by poisoning one!In the killing of the weed trees what are you guys using other than Tordon,
or is this the best one out there for the money? Also where is the cheapest place to
find what you are using? Thanks guys.
Anybody have luck with getting ahold of their district forrester? I've tried calling the forester out of Creston (responsible for my county) 3 separate times leaving detailed voicemails. I still have never received any call back. Are they out of funding for TSI or any other reason they would ignore this? I try calling the NRCS or FSA and they say call the district forrester. I'd really like to do TSI on my property but cannot get started. Any advice would be great! Maybe I'm not doing something right?...
kill a tree by drilling a half inch hole, 6" deep, in the trunk at a downward angle and filling the hole with something like tordan.
2,4D, etc are not expensive! mixing with Diesel I have had problems with it all mixing together. Heck, if you tried 2,4D, water & round-up - that would be cheap! BUT- I usually just buy pathway, not that pricey at all.... All it is though is Picloram (Tordon) & 2,4D- that's it. All pre-mixed.
What trees to cut down?!?!? I would find out the common trees in your area of course- you'll then likely realize you have stuff like elm, ironwood, bitternut hickory, etc. All of those trees and several others (you hear about 50/50 on guys wanting to kill thorny locust) I wipe out if I walk by em OR if I'm within 50 yards of some really nice walnut, oak, etc - I'll wipe the area out of those junk trees. Find out what's a "common weed tree" in your area: little value, no value to deer/wildlife, prolific, common, invasive, disease prone, etc. Butcher it (IMO) & let the good stuff flourish. Especially oaks which are not very shade tolerant.
Hmmmm, I don't remember that tree![]()
Yes find a reputable forester. Have a appraisal done. He will put your trees out on bids and take care of everything for a %. He will write up a contract for the high bidder and cover the in's and out's. Also he can give advice on TSI. Don't let a logger talk you into anything.