Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

time of kill

At this point, the poll stats are as follows:

A = 17
B = 2
C = 13

Here is my question now....I hear many times the the hours of 10-2 are really good to be in the stand, especially during the rut. However, as the poll results are coming in, it definitely doesn't appear that way. My question is it because most guys just can't get out between the 10-2 timeframe or is there just better buck movement during A and C timeframes?

If you haven't put your vote in yet, please do for I will continue adding up the numbers.

Again, thanks for everyone's input. By all of us being able to communicate on this great website, it only helps us become better and more effective hunters.
Bucks between my dad and I:

Does so far:

BIGGGGG bucks seen:
I don't think nearly as many people are sitting in their stands from 10-2. I have sat all day a couple times this season and have seen a couple 160"+ at 10:40 and 11:15 am. I have seen more bucks in the morning, but bigger bucks midday and afternoon. This time of the year anytime between dawn and dusk is a good time to kill a mature buck.

Doe #1- C
Doe #2- B
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