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Took Advantage of the Rain Tonight

Well here in central Iowa is was pretty much a down pour with 15-20 mph winds all day, so I decided not to sit. I doubt there was much movement with those conditions. Instead I decided to use the weather to sneak in to my treestand and rake a nice long path so that when it dries up it doesn't sound like I'm walking on corn flakes trying to get to my stand. Would have done it sooner but I was waiting for a perfect day like this, the leaves made very little noise and any noise I did happen to make the wind was able to muffle. The rain should have washed away any scent I left behind too. I'm curious if anyone actually sat in this crap tonight, if you did my hat is off to you.
I sat from 4 til dark. Saw several does and 1 - 90" buck wandering around. The rain and wind didn't seem to bother them too much as there two fawns walked in as I was hanging my stand and never even knew I was there and the first doe in the corn at about 4:30. No big boys though.
I had the day off work and couldn't resist going out tonight. I forgot how much I hate hunting in the wind. Cold and rainy is one thing but the wind just makes the hunt miserable. Didn't see much and what I did see acted like they were being stalked by a lion. Will not sit in the wind again this year.
i sat from 3 till dark got an arrow in a nice one but it hit a twig on the way to it so im not sure how good of a shot i got on him will head back in the morning to look for him
went out this morning wind was 25 mph and rain.. saw a little spike at 15 yards and and stayed for 20 min then about 20 mins after he left a small doe came and licked my ladder and then stayed for 15 then left then nothing the rest of the day .....
ended up going out tonight, saw deer from 3 till dark ended up seeing 15 didnt see the one i was after though.
I decided to wimp out and stay home, but went for a drive at 530 and they were everywhere... shoulda went.... :mad:
i went out in this crap tonight. it was 45 degrees, rain died down and thought i would see some deer moving, but then about 10 mins later it started again pretty hard. i could feel it getting colder, and stuck it out until around 6:30, by then i was soaked, and it was 10 degrees colder! but it's november 2nd and i wanted to get out before the weekend.
I sat cozy in a dbl bull blind and had a giant come in checking does. Just wish I would have brushed it in better, he Hung up at 60 yds not liking the blind.
Sat in house all day watching the little one. Wife came home early and asked if I wanted to go sit in tree I took off running all giddy. Ended up soaked and chilled to bone with 0 sightings. Clothes in dryer now will be in tree in morning.
i sat from 3 till dark got an arrow in a nice one but it hit a twig on the way to it so im not sure how good of a shot i got on him will head back in the morning to look for him

Hopefully it didn't go too far, I doubt there will be much of a bloodtrail, if any, by tomorrow. Good luck to you.
I was watching the little one tonight but, my brothers boss went out this afternoon He had a big 8 pt come by and made a good shot. As soon as he hit him he got out of the tree and started tracking. Pouring rain and walking down the trail the deer took and no blood all washed away. My brother said his boss stopped and heard someithing along side him and there the deer was taking his last breath. He rough scored at 150" as an 8 pt.
Congrats to you that went out in it!!! :way: That is what it takes! Wet. cold, snowed on, wind!!!!!! :D Me?????? Well I worked from 5;00 am to 8:00 pm!!:mad: 2 more days and .........2 weeks of vaca!! I hope to catch up!!!!!!!!!!:way::drink2:
I was watching the little one tonight but, my brothers boss went out this afternoon He had a big 8 pt come by and made a good shot. As soon as he hit him he got out of the tree and started tracking. Pouring rain and walking down the trail the deer took and no blood all washed away. My brother said his boss stopped and heard someithing along side him and there the deer was taking his last breath. He rough scored at 150" as an 8 pt.

Dandy 8!!!!!!!!!!:way:
Sat in house all day watching the little one. Wife came home early and asked if I wanted to go sit in tree I took off running all giddy. Ended up soaked and chilled to bone with 0 sightings. Clothes in dryer now will be in tree in morning.

Where did you meet this wife, mine is from Albia, prime deer country and still hates me hunting!
Sat until 11 AM this morning, then used a decoy and blind in the hurricane from 2-dark. Had a doe at 3 yards and got some good pics, she didnt seem bothered by the rain. Nasty out but you never know..so I went :)
i have to say that i sprung for some new under armour gear.. the ayton 2 bibs and jacket kept me dry and warm all night, i know from previous experience if i still would have been wearing my scent lok full season last night would have been miserable
no rain in MN

We didnt have rain here in MN, but I went out and saw a nice buck get up out the switchgrass that I planted a few years ago, as did a doe, so it made my night!
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