Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Eliminate every raccoon, possum, or skunk I can with , bow, live trap, shotgun, rifle, boot.... etc etc etc. (I saw 12 coons from the stand the other day, no wonder our turkey population is on the fritz and the corn fields are leveled 5 rows in)
I will hit coons hard early. Hoping to catch around 60-70 this year with my busy schedule. Once it freezes ill be after mink and rats.
60 coons
80 rats
15-20 mink
That is my goal and wouldn't be too tough if I had more time. I used to put up some decent numbers in high school and through college. Life in general and putting bowhunting first has left me with less time.
Someday in the next 5-7 years I will get the bug bad again and hopefully tag out in October one of these years, goodluck to everybody laying steel
They usually start priming up at the end of November around me (central iowa). Some a little sooner.
I haven't trapped I about six years, and about 3 nonths back I got the itch to lay some steel again. I won't have a long line but am aiming for 6-10 fox and yote sets and around 4 dozen coon mink and muskrat sets. If I break even for gas money the season will be a success!!
I will. Have some problem beavers the land owner wants gone, although I usually like waiting for beaver. I have lots of rats spotted, but I'll give it a few weeks then get after them. As far as coons, I usually throw a few sets in between my house and work and check them on the way to work.
Now that I am retired and can get back into trapping in a big way again. :)

I will be laying steel Saturday morning!
Another steel slinger here! I mainly just trap my own place and since we have hit the coons, possums and skunks pretty good over the past 2 or 3 years I am not seeing as many as we did 3 or 4 years ago.

I would be happy with 12-15 coons, unlimited possums!, a couple coyotes, a bobcat and at least one mink and one muskrat.
This will be my first year.. im excited! I have no idea what a realistic goal would be but i would like to get 50 coon, a fox or two, 6 yotes, and a few beaver.. i will also target some mink and would like to get some rats but everything here is pretty much dried up where i usually see the rat dens
Pumped for season to start. Got about two dozen DP's prestaked, with a couple more dozen coils to throw in tomorrow and hang a dozen or two snares tomorrow. We got a pretty bad coyote problem and hoping to thin some of those out along with as many coons as possible.
quick question, anyone else see a lot more trappers out? seen a crazy amount of more trappers today than previous years. just a little curious if anyone is seeing the same...
I don't seem to have the time to trap with my bow hunting passion. I've done both in the past, but it turns into a grind of long days.

I haven't been seeing any raccoons, possum, etc. while bow hunting this year, not sure what that means. Saw my first house cat from the stand tonight, that's it for non-deer sightings so far.
quick question, anyone else see a lot more trappers out? seen a crazy amount of more trappers today than previous years. just a little curious if anyone is seeing the same...
I'm sure they're out in droves this year. Always happens after a year with high fur prices. People hear of coons selling for $60, $12 muskrats, and so on and people think its an easy way to get rich. Give it a week and it will slow down.
"Preran" my trapper cam last week, set them this afternoon when I got home from deer hunting.

My goal: more marketable furs, less grinners and feral cats. I'm runnin out of places to throw 'em.

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