Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

tree fence

TP...I'm jealous!! Sounds like your Norways are going great guns!! What kind of ground do you have the dogwoods planted on? I was thinking they needed low moist soil, but I haven't tried them...yet!

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Its listed as 80C Clinton silt loam in my soil book. Described as upland moderately drained soils that have moderately slow permeability, formed in loess and under a native vegitation of deciduous trees (removed in the 60's and 70's by said farmers
). The book shows the average 20 year height for Redosier Dogwoods is 8'-15'. Norways spruce is also listed there at 26'-35', btw. Basically the area is on the edge of a flat ridge top in a crop field.

The soil survey books are great if you dont have one, they have tons of detailed info. I got mine free from the NRCS.
I do have a soils book TP so I'll check it out. Think I'll give those dogwoods a try. My Norways would no doubt be much taller if the bucks would leave them alone. They just love to rip them to shreds. Even Blue Spruce in our yard just feet from our house, finally fenced those though...after I replanted...twice! (I'm a slow learner!
I buy 36" spiral plastic tree guards from Great Western Bag company (800 331-2445) www.gwestern.com . They are .69 each but if your seedlings are small you can cut each one in half or thirds and cover more seedlings. My main problem has been rabbits and voles/mice. They girdle the trees in the winter and they have to resprout each spring. I covered 400 swamp white oak trees this way and it seems to work well. Still get an occasional rub or two.
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