Our Protex Tree Tubes arrived from Forestry suppliers so I got started assembling and installing them. I soon found out that assembling these things is better done on a rainy day ahead of time then in the field simply because it is a little time consuming.
My friend letemgrow suggested drilling more vent holes in them first so I laid stacks over a board and drilled 3/8 holes thru them and then started assembly.
I found it eaiser to go thru and pop open all the tabs first because a few required the use of a knife
Just roll them and start slipping the tabs into the openings but again I found this easier setting in a chair with the tube between my knees then out in the field with the wind blowing the tube around.
Mice can be a problem in tree tubes so herbicide is important to keep grass away and mine are all pretty clean having been sprayed with a gly/oust/simazine combo. I just used my boot to level soil and clear any debris before setting the tube.
The tube then sets tightly against the soil surface decreasing the chances that rodents will slip in and set up shop.
We are using 48" fiberglass posts that are 50% more then bamboo + shipping but will last a lifetime and less likely to be destroyed by marauding bucks in the fall.
The tubes already have a double rows of holes all the way down one side for tying to posts so they do have some venilation beside added holes I drilled so hopefully we won't encounter problems with hardening off this fall.
I'll update pics of growth compared to non-tubed trees as we go thru the summer
The Protex tubes are very reasonably priced, long lasting and in comparative tests growth was on par with tubes 2-3 times the cost.
Protex® Pro/Gro Solid Tube Tree Protectors
We applied for and recieved a 50% cost share grant from the National Wild Turkey Federation (maximum of $600 - 1200 total) to defray the costs of both establishing hardwood tree plantings and to establish clover plots.
© 2010 National Wild Turkey Federation
We also recieved 200 free oak trees from NWTF so it pays not only to be a member but to be involved and in contact with your area NWTF biologists to know what is available and when applications must be in....