Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Well I finally caught one...kinda...:rolleyes: I passed this guy on the road a 100 yards from my property...waved to him as i went by. Went in hunting, came out at dark to see fresh boot tracks coming out and on into the neighbors property. He walked by 10' from a big yellow "No Trespassing" sign on my place...can't believe he didn't see the trail cam?? :confused:


Definitely packing a weapon and binocs


and obviously upholstering the weapon at this point


He didn't shoot anything at least but I wondered why I didn't see many deer...:thrwrck:

If anyone knows this violator...please send me a PM or email me at dbltree2000@yahoo.com
Hey Paul...totally serious here, ;), any chance that is Bioactive just checking out your hinge cuttings? You know, a safety check of some sort.

It does look like your funnels are working though AND I think I see some rye on his chin too. All of your habitat work is paying off!


But truly...that stinks on ice! I don't see much of an orange vest there either, but hey, what are rules anyway? Would you mind saying if this was your home place or your west place?

Those are great pictures and I can't believe he didn't see the cam. If you don't get a solid ID from this site I would seriously consider posting those pics "around town" and offering a reward of some sort. Those pics are clear enough that someone will easily be able to identify him.

I had an SD card taken out of one of my cams between 12/20 and 1/1, so who knows, maybe we are both looking for the same guy...
You know what he looks like and what he drives. Should be a matter of time before you catch him.
thats to bad ppl have to go into other ppls property..good luck gettting that guy maybe ask ur neighbor if he knows him if not u can get 2 counts of tresspassing on him ...
With pics like that it prly won't take long to identify him if you do some checking around. Hope you catch 'em.

Dbltree: I think it is Burt Reynolds?:D

Greg Bickal---Good point, on the blaze orange...must be a state law isn't it? Or course, trespassers do not follow laws.

In the first picture, I can almost read what he is thinking...

"Man this dude has some nice hunting land, I might have to trespass on this more often...:rolleyes:
Bioactive just checking out your hinge cuttings?
lol...that's a grin Dave!:D probably gunning for me though...:eek:...

Had several people say they are pretty sure they know him so we'll see if someone can give me a name?

No way out of this one...can't carry a weapon to follow a wounded deer and for certain gotta have orange on. When I met him on the road there was no truck anywhere in sight so I assume someone dropped him off?

With trail cams on every tree these days I don't know what these guys are thinking?? :confused:
I'm sure he must have gotten lost.

He was just turned around lost his orange in a thicket:way:
It goes good with the hat as well:D

The hat along with the mustache (good call SE IA) made me think of the Russian Colonel/General dude from Red Dawn! I hope you figure out who, exactly, he is and go all kinds of Wolverines on his arse!

Trespassers suck royally!!
Pulling out the hand cannon too ! Lucky your camera is still there.No orange he could get shot whats he thinking?
Just got off the phone with my CO...he is meeting me over there at noon and I'll give him the pics and as long as it's clear he has a gun then there is more then one violation.

Lot of people know this guy....really a shame but this is not "accidental".

Had a ladder stand stolen shortly before this incident too....:(

I'll keep everyone posted and I hope it's a lesson to those considering doing some "violating"...;)
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