Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


i dont see a gun or a bow

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I do!

My camera was set on double picture mode, so it gets triggered and takes a picture and then forces another in 10 seconds. This is the first picture, he must have saw the flash and then turned around to see what it was and got hit again.

Looks like they are trying to hide the gun in the second picture, and did a good job of it. My guess is they were blinded and couldn't find the camera and then got lost in the woods because they couldn't see! haha I've been blinded by one before and it sucks! Mysterious picture, but not sure what you should do.
I can see a gun in both pics too. but it looks like they are in his right hand, and the sling is hangin down.
Not to be a smart arse but from the picture in your avatar it looks a lot like you! I know you said it's not but you and your trespasser look a lot alike if you ask me!
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