Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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We chewed the check station thing to death a year or so ago. Bottom line, last thing I wanna do is drag a deer to a check station when it can, and should be, done electronically.

The 'Bonker
yeah i was thinking more off the top of my head and realized after i posted it that it really wouldnt change the cheaters, since they're already pretty well set in their ways.

the more i think about it, its really an enforcement issue. Maybe it's just because I dont hear about it or its not publicized, but it seems like anytime someone in wisconsin doesnt reg their deer or breaks laws, it makes the news and they really enforce the laws on this side of the river. Is it just me or is there a lot less DNR presence in Iowa? i know in the past i've heard excuses such as the meth problem is a bigger problem than poaching, etc..
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