April 22, 2008 after almost 21 years and 8 days after “ your doing a great job, here’s a raise” I get the sorry we don’t need you anymore, over the phone. Now I don’t want to change this thread, but for any unemployed person out there, here’s my two cents…
First the support of family and especially your spouse is most paramount in moving forward, which I am blessed to have the best of both. But after that you have to ask yourself, ok it’s my life, what am I going to do. Remember, if you have children, you actions of how you handle this will set a foundation of how to tackle difficult situation head on, in their life. With years in the automotive/computer area leaving myself asking “what mark have I left this world”, I deciding I needed to help others. Feeling that a fireman career has pasted me by and becoming a doctor would take to long, RN it will be. Fast forward almost a year, wife will have her BS of nursing in December and I will be somewhere around one to two years after. Where does this unemployed curveball leave us….with our dream, helping people of south center Iowa! As a side note, two of our children have really expressed an interest in heath care career…..