I was watching the news last night and this piece came on. The Cedar Rapids deer task farce is kicking around urban deer hunt again... nothing too earth shattering there. But then ol' Wade comes on and still opposes the hunt, inhumane reasons so on and so forth. What really catches my attention is when he says "by allowing hunting, this will trigger the deer's reproduction instinct and we could end up with more deer". That's pretty close word for word. Now I don't know about you, but if that were the case, shouldn't we be over run by American Bison... the way people slaughtered those poor things?
I'm no deer biologist, does that line of thought hold any water? I guess the thing that bothered me the most is, this guy is one of the decision makers around in regaurds to the deer population. Sorry for the early morning rant.
I'm no deer biologist, does that line of thought hold any water? I guess the thing that bothered me the most is, this guy is one of the decision makers around in regaurds to the deer population. Sorry for the early morning rant.