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Wade Wagner


I was watching the news last night and this piece came on. The Cedar Rapids deer task farce is kicking around urban deer hunt again... nothing too earth shattering there. But then ol' Wade comes on and still opposes the hunt, inhumane reasons so on and so forth. What really catches my attention is when he says "by allowing hunting, this will trigger the deer's reproduction instinct and we could end up with more deer". That's pretty close word for word. Now I don't know about you, but if that were the case, shouldn't we be over run by American Bison... the way people slaughtered those poor things?
I'm no deer biologist, does that line of thought hold any water? I guess the thing that bothered me the most is, this guy is one of the decision makers around in regaurds to the deer population. Sorry for the early morning rant.
He is a tree hugger, he has no clue what he is talking about. I was at one of the meetings and one of the suggestions was to "round up" the deer and take them some place else...I thought I was going to bite my lip off to keep from laughing. I am serious when I say you could sell tickets to such an event...He is the same joker that chose to use grape bullets to rid the city of Cedar Rapids of resident geese...
He is a joke.
Tell you what, if I knew that I was going to be getting shot at, I would sure try to go get me some before my time was up.
Coyotes will. If their numbers drop the females will go in heat as early as 6 months and litter size will increase to a dozen or more. Biologists think it has to do with the a amount of scent, or lack of it, that triggers the accelerated reproduction. This according to a show I watched on The Discovery Channel...so it HAS to be true.

WOW! Wade Wagner's willingness to wage wishful thinking against wisdom will wind up woeful.
I remember when Mr. Wagner was the FARM reporter on channel 2 in CR. You think he would have a clue. He got on the CR City Commission by running against the weakest incumbant. An African-American who was the Parks Commissioner. As I recall the guy he beat was well spoken and had a clue. I have to wonder if that bit of "electionering" by Mr. Wagner is what started the entire "Home Rule" movement so somebody coudn't come in and take over a spot. If it was done by precencts Mr. Wagner wouldn't have had a chance. What goes around comes around. Any of you CR folks know if he plans on running for City Council?

And now coyotes, I thought it would be an increase in available food that would help them have larger liters. If there are less 'yotes, there would be more food and therefore more pups. Then the mange hits and their numbers go down and it starts all over again. I saw that on the 'net so it absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, take it to the bank, has to be true.

The 'Bonker
I think there is some truth to it with Turkeys. Ive heard that hens lay more eggs in a area with a smaller population. The same wouldnt hold true for deer who only have 1, 2 or at the most 3 fawns a year anyway.
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