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Weasel pictures


Well-Known Member
My wife had this weasel wondering around our barn while she was choring this morning.

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If you don't mind sharing...where in Iowa was this beast? In all my years here in Iowa, I have never seen a weasel. I know there are some, but for whatever reason, not where I have been. :)
I like it!!! I can never keep track of difference in mink & weasel & maybe one other one we have here?? So neat!!!
I’m south of Pella about 6 miles. There was one hit on the road by my house this winter and I catch a glimpse of one occasionally.

She said it kept looking out the door to see if it was still raining.

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I saw one in Tama County, Iowa circa 1976ish while out rabbit hunting. Winter phase white.

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We have quite a few in Story county. You’d actually be surprised how common they are in the state. You just rarely see them.

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I've seen maybe 5 or 6 in my lifetime(38 years old). All in benton county. One white phase and the rest like in the picture.
Caught one in dubuque co 30 yrs ago in a coon dirthole set, had both back feet in a 11/2 round jaw Montgomery. He was fierce till the end, I tanned him myself. I've only seen one other since then around here. I've never had one get in the chicken coop luckily.
Caught one a couple years ago while pocket gopher trapping for my BIL. He was underground running the tunnels and came up the wrong exit.
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