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Musky Hunter

New Member
Sunday was such a nice day I thought get caught up on my yard work. Since I was going to be around the house, I figured it would be a great time to start working on euro mount of a dead 9 point I found last week. I filled a metal pail with water and put it on the side burner of the grill, dropped in the 9 point head and set about working. All was well and I was in the front yard winding up a extension cord when a guy walked up and said, “Hi, my name is Danny, I just moved in next door” (next door is rental property
) He seemed like a nice enough guy and we talked for a couple of minutes. He said that he and his wife moved here from California.
After a bit he said to ”I noticed that you were cooking something out back, can ask what?” it took me a second to figure out what he was talking about.
I explained to him what I was doing. He looked a little relieved, then told me his wife had seen horns sticking out of the pot that I was “cooking” in.
I wanted to invite him over for soup but decided against it, he is my new neighbor and I’ll try to make friends first.

Thought you guys would get a kick out of this
I wanted to invite him over for soup but decided against it,

[/ QUOTE ]

awww c-mon...your no fun!

Maybe you can invite them over for a barbecue sometime...

I bet it was the wonderful aroma of the "Dead Head Soup" that brought him over in the first place!
leave it up to you T-Roy to freak out the new hippie neighbors......
Like it!!!!
I wonder what will be going through Mr. and Mrs. California's mind's next fall when they looks out the window and see's a deer hanging upside down?
I have a better story to share regarding skull boiling.

I thought about not posting this as it was done in my younger years and with some poor taste, but what the heck.

Any of you guys who went to college and had to put up with rich, snotty, New York or New Jersey girls can maybe relate.

Anyway, my roommates and I lived next to these two college gals from New York who were less than friendly and in all reality probably a little out of their comfort zone being all the way up in Wisconsin. They were certainly better than us as they often reminded us in not so subtle ways.

One day I was able to shoot a scrapper buck and I decided that I would give skull boiling a try. It sounded like a great idea as I was digging through my pots looking for the biggest one. None of my pots were big enough so I headed across the hall to borrow a big "fancy" pot from one of the "neighbor gals" (not how we really referred to them as at the time ).

Wouldn't you know it; they had a monster designer series pot that would work perfect. I was set. Being my first skull, I really didn't know how bad these things scoured the cookware with disgusting stink. Well, I soon found out as the brains and membranes starting coming off the bone. NASTY!!!!

I immediately opened the patio door and vowed never to cook another skull indoors. The smell lasted for a week or better.

The next day (as it always was in college after a couple cases of Milwaukee’s best light the night prior) I was finished up and started in on washing the pot the best I could, but it was far from perfect and still had a not so sweet smell and a little residue on the edges when one of the girls came over to get her pot. I said I was not done washing it yet, but she insisted in her east coast way "just give it to me, I need to boil some water", I said, "but..", she interrupted, "just give it to me", I said "well....OK"

That same Saturday night after the boys and I were about 5 beers into our regular sat evening routine, there was a knock at the door. I opened it up and was greeted by a screaming chick "what the hell did you cook in my pot (she used some other fancy word to describe the "pot"). I said "nothing special".

She then described how their spaghetti tasted like road kill or something along those lines. Anyway, she carried on and on and on. I can't really remember what she said because I pretty much had her tuned out by this point. I was able to catch the very end of it as she slammed the door mentioning something about my friends and I being rednecks and about there being no way in hell she was going to let us borrow anything ever again.....

I can't even begin to imagine how the pasta must have tasted. Skull boiling is nasty stuff and not for those with weak stomachs.
Heres another, A couple year back I did a couple in the garage (door open) and found out as well that the pot was pretty funky when done. I decided asgainst cleaning the pot as I was pretty sick of the ordeal by the time I was done so I put it on the curb with the rest of the trash as it happened to be clean up week when the garbage truck will take anything. If you have ever watched the scavengers during this time it's fairly humorous as truck after truck go through your junk and become their treasure. Anyway, I remeber this lady pulled up and she picked up the pot looking it iver she decide to try to wipe the crust off with her hand and the preceeded to scrape it with a fingernail to see if it would come off. I gagged watching that
. Next she opened up her passnger door threw it on her front seat and off she went. I laughed all day wondering if she ever figured out where the funky smell was coming from.