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What is your maximum bow shot?

I shoot reguarly out to 70 yards(Targets).A few years back I traveled to arizona for mule deer and coues whitetail,we had 80 yard pins at the insistance of our host.My max on deer is 30 yards.I've shot some farther earlier in my bowhunting days,51 yards to be exact.I now refrain from such though.I believe that practicing the longer shots make the close ones a piece of cake.My 2 cents.
this year i shot a deer at 36 yards. i was on the ground though, i think it makes a diffrence. i can go out to 40 with my bow. i shoot a buckmaster g2 set at 70lbs and magnus 2 blades. flys so flat u wouldnt believe. and the broadheads wont plane. theres my comments, good or bad.
I'm pinned out to 50 yards. Routinely shoot out to 30 and some 40. Never shot @ a deer past 22 yards. I'd shoot out to 30 with the help of a known point and a relaxed deer.

It's great to see these responses. Some sites make you puke when you see clowns shooting real long.

As a side note my neighbor kid (18) took a nice 8pt at 60-65 yrds. He's capable of making the shot and foolish enough to attempt it.
He admitted it took alot of quess work using a pin set for 40 yrds. We have to take only very high percentage shots or no shot at all!
I have a two pin setup on my Trophy Ridge sight. One at 25 yards and one at 45 yards. I have never shot the 45 yard pin although I practice with it all the time and can shoot about a six inch group with it. I mainly have that 45 yard pin for elk hunting. The furthest shot I have ever made was this year at 30 yards. It was a double lung pass through shot. I might push it to 40 yards if everything was right but 40 yards is a long ways when your in a tree stand. At least it looks like it.
I have always thought of bowhunting as a close and personal adventure. To me the skill of the bowhunter is not only in their shooting, but their ability to get close to the quarry.

I always practice out to 30 yards but seldom shoot past 20 in a hunting situation. Most of the time my shots are around 10 -15 yards.

When I want to reach out and touch something I take the MK-85 out in December
Thanks for all the input guys. I'm glad to hear that everyone understands their own abilities. For me 30 yards is my max shot. As far as close shots, it had to be the buck I rattled in and he started raking a limb on the tree I was in. Good Luck.
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