This is my point. And although I agree with you River1, we don't know what avenues to even begin to aproach when it comes to preventing transmission. It is also well known that at each facility where CWD was present there was/is a parasitic mite present as well. Grain mites have also been blamed for the spread of CWD through spiroplasma bacteria. There are many people that believe that mites are the common vector for CWD. So if that is the possible cause then maybe a insecticide of some sorts is the answer. And these would be needed on ALL crop fields, not just food plots. I just think it needs to be narrowed down before we can go pointing fingers. Mineral licks, food plots, corn piles, water sources, feces, urine, semen, soil, have all been considered as modes of transportation, but none have been proven. If we were to start eliminating possible vectors or hosts for the disease, where would it start and where would it end? Bottling of urine for attractants would have to be eliminated, other glandular scents and lures, food plots, farming practices in general, digging of ponds, bait piles, mineral licks, breeding, and grooming amongst animals, yada yada yada. All would have to be controlled or eliminated! You get my point. It has also been found in the velvet on antlers, so how do we keep deer from shedding?
I know these all sound rediculous, but these are the measures we would have to take to truly elimanate the spread or possible outbreak. I just think that until we have concrete evidence as to the spread or vector we need to relax a bit and quit pointing fingers at one another.
Hell, let's just introduce wolves into the state and let them go to work :grin: