Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

what you do??


Active Member
Went out to track a doe that my buddy shot at my place last nite, n this is what I found!!! It's about 80-100 yds from my stand.. last week my buddy saw someone walk in there with what he said looked like a scoped shotgun slung over his shoulder also?? Upon further investigation I found trail markers on trees leading from the stand Into the other neighbors land, where I can only assume they are trespassing.. the land that they lead to, is a 280-300 ac leased property that is loaded with deer, the guys who hunt that would never put a stand where I found it, its on a 4ac parcel across the creek, with not much deer activity. Not sure what I should do, I know its my neighbor.. I don't like the idea of him hunting this way, when I'm working hard clearing trails, planting foodplots n fruit tree's, scouting, ect.. I get along well with the neighbor who owns the leased property and don't want them thinkin its me doing it since its near the area that I hunt.. idk??
tresspassing and hunting over bait....strike 1 and 2. i wouldn't give them a chance to get strike 3. i'd call the CO.
Why does the doe look photoshopped into the bottom picture? Or is it just me? Feet appear to fade into nothing, and the tail looks goofy.

Something seems fishy.

Either way, sounds like you should contact the CO and explain your situation. It would be much easier to explain to your conservation officer than someone calling you in (like your neighbor) and getting you in trouble for something you didn't do.
Why does the doe look photoshopped into the bottom picture? Or is it just me? Feet appear to fade into nothing, and the tail looks goofy.

Something seems fishy.

Either way, sounds like you should contact the CO and explain your situation. It would be much easier to explain to your conservation officer than someone calling you in (like your neighbor) and getting you in trouble for something you didn't do.

I'm thinking it is just a decoy they leave out
shadowpeople said:
Why does the doe look photoshopped into the bottom picture? Or is it just me? Feet appear to fade into nothing, and the tail looks goofy.

Something seems fishy.

Either way, sounds like you should contact the CO and explain your situation. It would be much easier to explain to your conservation officer than someone calling you in (like your neighbor) and getting you in trouble for something you didn't do.

I think that is one of those Renzo decoys?
go to youre neighbor!he will thankyou.dont get dnr envolved,then they will watch YOU like a hawk!past experience,I PROMISE!
I agree that you should call the local CO and have it dealt with. It could come back and bite you hard later, especially if you turn a blind eye. I know in dealing with our Federal LEOs, they don't take kindly to people who know about violations and don't report it.
In any event of my previous question, I would definitely call your CO! It would be an absolute shame to see a deer go down that way (or any game). This is not fair chase and should be dealt with.
The Stand is about 30 yds onto my neighbors, I have a stand 50yds from my property line, the other neighbor to the east owns all the land east of both of us.. going to talk to the other neighbor tomorrow in the am n see what he thinks..
I would be a little leery on what to do here, because technically they could get you for hunting over bait as well. Talking to the neighbor about it first might be your best option
brand32-09 said:
I would be a little leery on what to do here, because technically they could get you for hunting over bait as well. Talking to the neighbor about it first might be your best option

This is true because you can't hunt knowing its there...
My buddy just ran into this but a little different. Some guy threw a salt block between 2 of his stands. He thinks the guy was trying to peg him for baiting so he couldn't hunt there. He called the CO and the CO has been trying to catch the guy.
because technically they could get you for hunting over bait as well.

That is exactly why you should call it in. Cover your tail first. You didn't know it was there. Now you do, so you can't hunt over it legally. Get it reported and explain the whole story. I don't deal with COs back in Iowa, but I deal with our WMs (same as a CO) and I work with our Federal LEOs (Special Agents, technically) on reporting Federal crimes and, in my experience, being up front and honest is always the best route to go. Tell your CO the whole story, just like you explained it here. And I'd do it sooner than later.
Talked to the neighbor that's owns the big lease, to let him know about it, he says its deff not the guys who hunt his lease, they don't even hunt that section.. he agreed that we should make a report of it.. and he really appreciated the call to let him know.. called the CO this morning also, we're gonna take a walk later..
when this happend to me i was made by dnr to move all my stands at least 100 yards away from other guys salt block or remove it and dig a hole and fill it with kwikcrete! no b.s.! i took down my stands,then they watched the property like i was a criminal!good luck man.
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