Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

what's it score?


Active Member
What's everyone think this buck scores?
I believe these guys are right in the ballpark. I'll guess 145/gross 143/net max.

I shot one that looked almost identical to that one 2 years ago, except mine was an 8pt.

22" mainbeams (44" total)
21" spread
G1 4" each (8" total)
G2 10" each (20" total)
G3 8" each (16" total)
G4 2" (left side only-deduct 2")
All circ. average 4.5" (36" total)

Those might be a little generous.

Nice deer!
my guess..... 138 gross / 132 net. my grandfather shot one like that one that grossed 136. no matter what it scores its a hell of a buck. congrats.
I think the main beams are a bit longer than the picture shows.

I'm going 151 gross and 147 net.
135 gross, 131 net. just does not look like enough tine length to be in the 140s. Good buck regardless.
I think you guys are missing the point of his question. MadisonB&C wants to know the approximate score of his new sport "Buck Wrestling". In other words how long would it take to bull dog this buck? He rode his 4 wheeler up on it, stood on the seat, jumped on its antlers and was about to put it on the ground when this photo was taken. He wants to know what you think his time was in seconds. Not how big the rack is. 'Cause we all know the bigger the rack the easier it is to take 'em down. More leverage you see.

I'm guessin 4.6 with good heels on his boots (for stopping power).

The 'Bonker
The deer scores around 102 gross 98 net. The guy in the picture is a dwarf .
High end of 130's net. Nice deer. Needs more mass and main beam lenght to be in the high 140's or 50's. Congrats.
I was thinking about letting you guys stew over it for another day, but I can't help myself. The winners are:

Closest guess: Ghost Walker
He actually grosses 150, nets 149

Most observant: Limb Chicken
Yep, it's roadkill.

Most active imagination: Fishbonker
You've got just a little too much free time on your hands.

By the way, that's dad in the pic. And yeah, he's a dwarf
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