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What's next for Republicans?

She wants to support Ukraine with it's war against Russia.
Since everyone hit the key points on others, I'll weigh in on this one. We need a leader to support ENDING the war in Ukraine, period. Regardless of concessions. The longer we "support" the war financially (and you're high if you don't think we have American troops on the ground), it's just stringing it out and killing even more young-middle age Ukrainians. They have already decimated their median male age demographic. The west, US, NATO, etc baited Russia into this war. I'm not saying Russia is a good player on the world stage, but if you take a deep dive into Russian history, especially post-Soviet Union, and can honestly say "we" didn't force their hand then you are listening to too much western propaganda.

We've basically got two, maybe three depending on your definition, proxy wars going on right now. Remember how many wars Trump started?
Right on there. Can't stand Trump. Here are a few items on the plus side for me - Harris said she'll bring back the border security bill that Trump killed and she would sign that. She's planning mortgage assistance for first-time homebuyers, tax credits for new borns. She's been behind paid family leave, affordable housing and free tuition for low and middle income families. She helped with passing the investments in infrastructure and green energy. She says she supports labor unions and has the endorsement of the UAW. Supports women's rights to abortion. She wants to support Ukraine with it's war against Russia. She wants to pass a middle class tax cut.
Now you should let me know Trumps policies that will benefit this country. No, forget that. He was already president once before, I can reference that shitshow myself.
-The bill (like all bills for that matter, unfortunately) was stuffed with extras galore. Billions in Ukraine and military funding. "Refugee and Entrant Assistance" BWAHAHA. Yeah they'll fund a little bit of wall and a handful of additional border agents but in the meantime we'll roll out the red carpet for everyone pouring over the border.
-Mortgage assistance, tax credits, free tuition and housing.... who's gonna pay for it? Apartment buildings don't just sprout out of the ground for people to move into. College professors don't lecture for free.
-Ukraine. When will we learn? Vietnam, middle east, now Ukraine. Piss it away, piss it away, piss it away. Mujahideen 2.0 at best, any bets? Establishment LOVES the fact Putin finally bit back. The war machine will feast again, there's money to be made!

@ ttown As Skip said, I also appreciate your comments. All views are welcome. After all, even our founding fathers had quite a few heated disagreements. I do disagree with nearly everything you've said. I'd like to make some comments, if I may? Thanks!

This bill allowed for the entry of 5 thousand illegals PER DAY! Democrats WANT the migrant inflow as they will eventually translate to uneducated voters. Trump had the wall started and BIDEN killed it. Harris has openly stated she REFUSES to criminalize people breaking our laws to enter illegally, Democrats WANT this border mess.

Yeah, something like $25,000 first time home buyer credit....
There is no extra money sitting in the federal reserve. Why do you ask me to pay for this?

There is no extra money sitting in the federal reserve. Why do you ask me to pay for this?

There is no extra money sitting in the federal reserve. Why do you ask business, big and small, to pay for this? Free markets will take care of themselves.

There is no extra money sitting in the federal reserve. Why do you ask me to again, pay for someone else's home?

There is no extra money sitting in the federal reserve. Why do you ask me to pay for this? I am not wealthy. I have made responsible decisions with the income I have been blessed with. I just sent two boys through school with CASH. Now I'm being asked to pay for your kids also?!

These are some of the poorest investments ever. Wind is piddle power compared to the same dollar invested in hydrocarbon fuel. Solar panels begin degrading the day they are installed. Both of these energy producing methods are an eyesore at best. Has anyone been out to Palo lately? Just sick!

She has shown quite clearly that what she's says could change 180 in the next 10 minutes. She seems to be endorsing a few Trump policies now that she needs voters....like this one...

That would be great!

First and foremost, he will drill baby drill! He will once again unleash the power of American energy. This will do a few good things...
1) Lower the cost of fuel
2) This in turn lowers the cost of goods transportation
3) This will ease the nasty inflation we've been experiencing (it won't go away tilL we QUIT SPENDING MONEY WE DON'T FEAKIN' HAVE!!!)
4) We can once again be an energy net exporter.
5) Energy independence is a huge position of strength on the world stage
6) From a position of STRENGTH, Trump can then tell Putin to suck rocks.
7) There are too many benefits to cheap energy to list them all. Just imagine it for a moment! :)

Great! Now, was anything really horrible in your personal life compared to now that was actually Trump's fault? I suspect you are like most any liberal...not grounded in reality and just livin' on a feelin'. I do apologize if I'm totally wrong about you. I don't think I am, let me know?
Oh just print some more money, silly! That's how ya pay for it!

Couldn't agree more!
Geez..., I hate Political threads!

But yet I keep looking?
Politics is a bit like a car wreck- not good but u are gonna look!! It’s a nasty business but it’s one we all must be involved in…. Educated on issues & voting at a minimum. Politics will always be filthy but we are at a fork in the road where politics can get us back on the right course or sink us as a nation. It’s that divergent a path. Deep state establishment will drive us off the cliff like Rome or we change direction & clean house getting back to our founding roots.
I don’t like posting in these threads but can’t sit on the sidelines.
I have considered my views as a Libertarian as being fringe. But that party has no traction. So I need to align elsewhere. Not going to be with the Harris agenda.

I make no bones about it...I have not been a fan of Trump on the personality level. I was hoping for more with Desantis, but his team ran a terrible campaign and I don't think he was ready. One big concern I also have with Trump, is the rigged system against him. The fact is, there is only a handful of states that you have to rig to change the outcome of the election. I don't know if this can be overcome. Look at Georgia right now. And yet, no MSM will touch that situation.

As I mentioned before, it's a pretty black and white question we have to ask ourselves. Do we prefer the direction and policies of the 2018-2019 USA or the 2022-2023 USA.
-The bill (like all bills for that matter, unfortunately) was stuffed with extras galore. Billions in Ukraine and military funding. "Refugee and Entrant Assistance" BWAHAHA. Yeah they'll fund a little bit of wall and a handful of additional border agents but in the meantime we'll roll out the red carpet for everyone pouring over the border.
-Mortgage assistance, tax credits, free tuition and housing.... who's gonna pay for it? Apartment buildings don't just sprout out of the ground for people to move into. College professors don't lecture for free.
-Ukraine. When will we learn? Vietnam, middle east, now Ukraine. Piss it away, piss it away, piss it away. Mujahideen 2.0 at best, any bets? Establishment LOVES the fact Putin finally bit back. The war machine will feast again, there's money to be made!

Oh just print some more money, silly! That's how ya pay for it!

Couldn't agree more!
No doubt I won't change anybody's mind on here. Just as you won't change mine. The republicans do have a gift though for getting people to vote against their own self interest. One example that's near and dear to everyone on here, reference the many Iowa state bills sponsored by republican politicians that will take away access to hunting opportunities from the same people who keep voting them in office. Any how about that debate performance by your boy? I need not say more.
No doubt I won't change anybody's mind on here. Just as you won't change mine. The republicans do have a gift though for getting people to vote against their own self interest. One example that's near and dear to everyone on here, reference the many Iowa state bills sponsored by republican politicians that will take away access to hunting opportunities from the same people who keep voting them in office. Any how about that debate performance by your boy? I need not say more.
It appear like 90% of your posts here on IowaWhitetail are politically based.
Are you even a hunter or just here to stir the pot on politics?
No doubt I won't change anybody's mind on here. Just as you won't change mine. The republicans do have a gift though for getting people to vote against their own self interest. One example that's near and dear to everyone on here, reference the many Iowa state bills sponsored by republican politicians that will take away access to hunting opportunities from the same people who keep voting them in office. Any how about that debate performance by your boy? I need not say more.
Now do democrats and firearms.
Iowa state bills sponsored by republican politicians that will take away access to hunting opportunities from the same people who keep voting them in office.
Hunting opportunities won't be an issue if Harris gets in. Would you like to discuss her MANDATORY gun buyback statement?

She also has a problem with free speech as she has said something has to be done about companies like X with no government oversight on disinformation.

OK, so she just $hit on the first AND second amendment. You good with that?

Any freedom loving American with 1/2 a brain should be able to see the future with a Harris presidency. Please wake up!
No doubt I won't change anybody's mind on here. Just as you won't change mine. The republicans do have a gift though for getting people to vote against their own self interest. One example that's near and dear to everyone on here, reference the many Iowa state bills sponsored by republican politicians that will take away access to hunting opportunities from the same people who keep voting them in office. Any how about that debate performance by your boy? I need not say more.
Ya, how about that debate performant by Muir and Davis? They sure did what their boss told them to do. There's a report of whistle blower from ABC who says they will release an affidavit that Harris was given sample questions which turned out to be the questions used for the debate.
You need to listen to what Bernie had to say about Harris on Meet The Press Sunday morning.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Sunday called Vice President Kamala Harris' decision to moderate her views on fracking and "Medicare for All" "pragmatic," saying that Harris is "doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election" and that he still considers her to be "progressive." In other words, she's lying to get your vote, then will return to her radical progressive beliefs!
No doubt I won't change anybody's mind on here. Just as you won't change mine. The republicans do have a gift though for getting people to vote against their own self interest. One example that's near and dear to everyone on here, reference the many Iowa state bills sponsored by republican politicians that will take away access to hunting opportunities from the same people who keep voting them in office. Any how about that debate performance by your boy? I need not say more.
Debate is a nothing-burger. No matter who u liked…. We all know Trump & we’ve got 3.5 years of Harris. This election is gonna boil down simple IMHO: his 4 years vs her 4 years. Period. Which u want more of?

The problem bills in the state of iowa ARE brought by a handful of bad R’s. Disgusting. The D’s are not for them - to their credit. & once the discussion is had- most the r’s don’t support. I agree at a state level - different game. The slime sell-outs on BOTH SIDES exist & need to go!!!! To the bigger picture …. It still fits the “establishment vs anti - establishment “. The establishment when it comes to state politics is the ones who will take $ & special interest influence over what is RIGHT.

Bigger picture yet & way off tangent…. Need 3rd party, term limits & the course of politics today cannot sustain. A political revolution & change must or will happen at some point. With our current trajectory- no case in history avoids that outcome.
Ya, how about that debate performant by Muir and Davis? They sure did what their boss told them to do. There's a report of whistle blower from ABC who says they will release an affidavit that Harris was given sample questions which turned out to be the questions used for the debate.
You need to listen to what Bernie had to say about Harris on Meet The Press Sunday morning.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Sunday called Vice President Kamala Harris' decision to moderate her views on fracking and "Medicare for All" "pragmatic," saying that Harris is "doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election" and that he still considers her to be "progressive." In other words, she's lying to get your vote, then will return to her radical progressive beliefs!
Everyone knew she would have the questions ahead of time, that was a no brainer. I do think if they can identify who gave those to her, that should be considered election interference and jail time should occur. Of course, that will never happen. I like Trump's reverse psychology saying he won't do another debate. He's waiting for Harris to say she's in and he's afraid, then he will pounce for another debate. Harris would be a fool to debate him again, I guarantee you she won't do it.
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