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What's next for Republicans?

203, you throw rhetoric out there with zero facts. Again, how did Trump go nuts in his third year? If you’re saying Harris is more fit please state how so comparing Trump policies to Biden Harris policies and how we’re better off. I don’t like his personality, he’s nuts etc doesn’t cut it. Again you have the floor..,, who are you voting for and why?
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how did Trump go nuts in his third year?
His speeches are all over the place, flip flops and lies a lot. Talks like a moron, bullies our allies and they hate him. Some are even considering joining BRIC's . Have you ever listened closely to some of the idiotic things he says? No, Harris is not more fit!
True! I've been a republican all my voting life (moderate one) and will never vote democrat!!! I do NOT trust Trump; he's not fit to be the leader of the free world. I Like the majority of his policies but after his 3rd year in office he went nuts and started showing his true colors. Just watching some of his rallies and some of the things he mutters convinced me not to vote for him.

You're getting info from X, what do you expect from Musk!

Fact checks on Afghanistan, all Trump did was stir things up to make it harder for Biden.

You’ll never vote Dumocrat. Trump it is?????
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True! I've been a republican all my voting life (moderate one) and will never vote democrat!!! I do NOT trust Trump; he's not fit to be the leader of the free world. I Like the majority of his policies but after his 3rd year in office he went nuts and started showing his true colors. Just watching some of his rallies and some of the things he mutters convinced me not to vote for him.

You're getting info from X, what do you expect from Musk!

Fact checks on Afghanistan, all Trump did was stir things up to make it harder for Biden.

What do you mean by what do I expect from Musk? Be honest, did you view any of the links I shared?

Be careful hanging your hat on the "fact checkers" as the ultimate arbiters of truth. They need fact checked themselves.

I listen to this podcast daily. Mike Baker pretty much gives you information on the daily events on the world stage and you can draw your own conclusions.

I’m posting this today because he talks about Chinese troll operations. And how they target, both sides of our presidential election in an attempt to cause division, mistrust, and suspicion among us.

Sowing the seeds of chaos and instability is what they are after. The Chinese themselves aren’t necessarily trying to influence the election. They just want us bickering with each other.

I think there is evidence that foreign actors are successful at making us hate each other in this very post

If you have a few minutes, it is a great listen.

Right after that, I think you should go listen to “In America” by The Charlie Daniels Band lol
I appreciate opposing views. I will 100000% admit one of my disappointments was the spending during Trump. But everyone will have disappointments with any admin. I do hear Trump addressing spending almost every long form speech he gives now. Something he hasn’t done before. I do believe he’ll be far better on spending this time around and infinitely better than Harris.

Side tangent …. This election will be a battle like any other. I personally believe this is “man vs machine”. Trump is a real dude who speaks his mind & is “too open” about what he really thinks. He’s followed through on promises better than any politician in my lifetime. He’s fighting a machine that’s a giant corrupt country club… members include: the main stream media, establishment of BOTH SIDES, deep state, military industrial complex, foreign special interests, most of big tech, all of “woke-ville”, the huge # of unelected gov bureaucrats that dig in to live through countless administrations, manufactured candidates, etc. Look- Kamala doesn’t do interviews, doesn’t go off script & won’t release any policies. She’s a shell or a vessel …. A place holding PUPPET the MACHINE can control. Trump is here to end the party & they are panicking …. Why they try to imprison for life, make claims he colluded with Russia (to bog him down for 2 years), try to bankrupt him, sham impeachments, keep him off ballots & try to put a bullet in his head. Still didn’t work. Man vs the machine. & here’s one fun stat below that speaks volumes for what he’s against & the treatment the PUPPET gets….

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N/A. See Windlooker's post from 8/27
N/A. See Windlooker's post from 8/27
I agree. Data is largely based on who creates it. Just like votes don’t matter - it’s the people who count them that do ;)

Now- data aside- we all know with our common sense the media is almost all negative to Trump. They protect & act as a campaign partner to the democrats. It’s beyond ridiculous…. Most who look at history would rightly call what the main stream media does- PROPAGANDA. Would you agree or disagree that the media is wildly pro-democrat & the attack dog against R’s & Trump? Or to be more concise - they are wildly against anti establishment candidates.
& really - IMO- those are the only 2 TRUE parties anymore…. Anti-establishment VS establishment which is: deep state, corporations, career politicians (corrupt goons on both sides that get filthy rich), media, etc.
I think it's safe to assume you're not voting for Trump.
So say I'm an undecided voter, can you sell me on your candidate? And I mean really sell me on your candidate by focusing on their policies that will benefit this country. Genuinely, I'd like to hear.
Right on there. Can't stand Trump. Here are a few items on the plus side for me - Harris said she'll bring back the border security bill that Trump killed and she would sign that. She's planning mortgage assistance for first-time homebuyers, tax credits for new borns. She's been behind paid family leave, affordable housing and free tuition for low and middle income families. She helped with passing the investments in infrastructure and green energy. She says she supports labor unions and has the endorsement of the UAW. Supports women's rights to abortion. She wants to support Ukraine with it's war against Russia. She wants to pass a middle class tax cut.
Now you should let me know Trumps policies that will benefit this country. No, forget that. He was already president once before, I can reference that shitshow myself.
I agree. Data is largely based on who creates it. Just like votes don’t matter - it’s the people who count them that do ;)

Now- data aside- we all know with our common sense the media is almost all negative to Trump. They protect & act as a campaign partner to the democrats. It’s beyond ridiculous…. Most who look at history would rightly call what the main stream media does- PROPAGANDA. Would you agree or disagree that the media is wildly pro-democrat & the attack dog against R’s & Trump? Or to be more concise - they are wildly against anti establishment candidates.
& really - IMO- those are the only 2 TRUE parties anymore…. Anti-establishment VS establishment which is: deep state, corporations, career politicians (corrupt goons on both sides that get filthy rich), media, etc.
On your media point it really depends what media you're watching or reading. There are plenty of sources partnering with republicans too i.e. Fox, Breitbart, NewsMax, etc. Although I read somewhere that Fox was claiming to be an entertainment station.
On your media point it really depends what media you're watching or reading. There are plenty of sources partnering with republicans too i.e. Fox, Breitbart, NewsMax, etc. Although I read somewhere that Fox was claiming to be an entertainment station.
The “main stream media”. The ones on cable, dish & TV that u can choose from. The ONLY one that’s not left wing, imo - is Fox. ABC, MSNBC, NPR, CNN, etc. Most of the old school newspapers as well…. NY times, Washington post, etc. I agree- there’s right wing outlets …. They usually don’t hide it…. Like Breitbart…. We all know it’s right wing. Just like Huff post we all know is left wing. Main stream media claims to be “impartial” & anyone with IQ of a snail can watch it & catch the bias in an instant. Even “minor things” like interviewing presidents…. Biden “what’s your favorite ice cream”? Trump “why are you Hitler 2.0”? ;). The treatment between establishment & outsiders is so blatant.
Right on there. Can't stand Trump. Here are a few items on the plus side for me - Harris said she'll bring back the border security bill that Trump killed and she would sign that. She's planning mortgage assistance for first-time homebuyers, tax credits for new borns. She's been behind paid family leave, affordable housing and free tuition for low and middle income families. She helped with passing the investments in infrastructure and green energy. She says she supports labor unions and has the endorsement of the UAW. Supports women's rights to abortion. She wants to support Ukraine with it's war against Russia. She wants to pass a middle class tax cut.
Now you should let me know Trumps policies that will benefit this country. No, forget that. He was already president once before, I can reference that shitshow myself.
fair points as usual & appreciate your honesty. & I respect your POV & the fact u post this knowing you are in the minority here.
1) why didn’t they do all this stuff when they had both the senate & house? Had presidency, senate & house!!! 2 solid years!!!!! All these issues!!! For immigration- we all know they dissolved the borders, sued states enforcing it & reversed most of Trump policies that caused 20+ million to invade. No new laws needed to secure the border. Both sides know this though.
2) what has she accomplished? She was the border czar & has been elected to office- about it. No one has voted for her in primaries & I can’t see a single accomplishment that’s clear as day that shes done in senate or as VP. She did cast some tie breaking votes as VP for senate…. 80k+ more IRS agents for example. Not a whole lot there for accomplishments. Heck- she won’t even lay out her policies!!!
3) 90% of her staff quit & the reasons are alarming. She had the lowest approval of any VP in modern history. Her climbing of the political ladder is questionable at best. She can’t speak & is hiding from the “friendly” press. She enabled a vegetable to be in charge of the country when we all know he was toast.
4) on her watch: afganistan disaster - $80B in war weapons to Taliban & killing American soldiers, record inflation: destruction of lower/middle class, doubled interest rates, 20m+ unvetted invaders, record fentanyl smuggling & deaths, record crime in most big cities, WW3 brewing: Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Iran, etc. Companies & jobs (NET) moving to other countries. On & on. By almost every basic measureable metric- we are worse off. WHY, IMHO- she’s going to lose & deserves to lose. She’s a manufactured candidate that the machine installed. I’m sure not 100% sure but I can’t see how she doesn’t lose in a landslide & I believe she will.
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Speaking of propaganda…. This is exactly what I was referring to this morning. This is what we have to be extremely cautious about. RT used to be “Russia Today” and before they were banned in the US, they were widely creating disinformation posts, tweets and memes designed to causes disagreement between us Americans. Some of my friends reposted and retweeted their nonsense.

This stuff is only going to be worse in the lead up to the election. The following is a summary I stole off Twitter.

The latest developments regarding RT employees indicted for U.S. propaganda involve two employees of Russia's state-funded RT network, Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva, who have been indicted on charges related to a scheme aimed at influencing the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Here's a summary based on the information available up to September 4, 2024:

- **Indictment Details**: Kalashnikov and Afanasyeva are accused of conspiring to commit money laundering and violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act. They allegedly funneled nearly $10 million to a Tennessee-based company to produce and disseminate thousands of videos promoting Russian interests, which included disinformation and propaganda, across various social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and X.

- **Purpose of the Scheme**: The content produced was intended to amplify U.S. domestic divisions, weaken opposition to Russian interests, particularly concerning the war in Ukraine, and potentially influence the U.S. election outcomes in favor of candidates or policies beneficial to Russia.

- **Broader Actions Against RT**: Alongside the indictments, the U.S. government took additional measures against RT, including sanctions on top editors like Margarita Simonyan and seizing 32 internet domains used for spreading Russian propaganda. These actions are part of a broader effort to counter foreign interference in U.S. elections.

- **U.S. Government's Stance**: Attorney General Merrick Garland emphasized the U.S. commitment to countering foreign election interference, highlighting these actions as part of a strategy to disrupt Russian attempts to meddle in U.S. democratic processes.

- **Public and Official Reactions**: There's been a mix of reactions, with some U.S. officials and commentators viewing these actions as necessary to protect U.S. elections, while Russian officials have dismissed the accusations as unfounded, suggesting a narrative that focuses on U.S. internal political dynamics rather than Russian interference.

This case underscores ongoing tensions between the U.S. and Russia, particularly in the realm of information warfare and electoral integrity, with the U.S. taking aggressive steps to counteract what it perceives as foreign propaganda and election meddling efforts.
Last time chiming in on this topic (I think). Lol.
Everyone claiming they know the why,what,when,how have got thier info from the " media", no matter what flavor you chose.

I'm gonna cast my vote for whoever I feel will do better for the 2A, and America in general.
@ ttown As Skip said, I also appreciate your comments. All views are welcome. After all, even our founding fathers had quite a few heated disagreements. I do disagree with nearly everything you've said. I'd like to make some comments, if I may? Thanks!

Harris said she'll bring back the border security bill that Trump killed and she would sign that.
This bill allowed for the entry of 5 thousand illegals PER DAY! Democrats WANT the migrant inflow as they will eventually translate to uneducated voters. Trump had the wall started and BIDEN killed it. Harris has openly stated she REFUSES to criminalize people breaking our laws to enter illegally, Democrats WANT this border mess.
She's planning mortgage assistance for first-time homebuyers,
Yeah, something like $25,000 first time home buyer credit....
There is no extra money sitting in the federal reserve. Why do you ask me to pay for this?
tax credits for new borns.
There is no extra money sitting in the federal reserve. Why do you ask me to pay for this?
She's been behind paid family leave,
There is no extra money sitting in the federal reserve. Why do you ask business, big and small, to pay for this? Free markets will take care of themselves.
affordable housing
There is no extra money sitting in the federal reserve. Why do you ask me to again, pay for someone else's home?
and free tuition for low and middle income families.
There is no extra money sitting in the federal reserve. Why do you ask me to pay for this? I am not wealthy. I have made responsible decisions with the income I have been blessed with. I just sent two boys through school with CASH. Now I'm being asked to pay for your kids also?!
She helped with passing the investments in green energy.
These are some of the poorest investments ever. Wind is piddle power compared to the same dollar invested in hydrocarbon fuel. Solar panels begin degrading the day they are installed. Both of these energy producing methods are an eyesore at best. Has anyone been out to Palo lately? Just sick!
She says she supports labor unions and has the endorsement of the UAW.
She has shown quite clearly that what she's says could change 180 in the next 10 minutes. She seems to be endorsing a few Trump policies now that she needs voters....like this one...
She wants to pass a middle class tax cut.
That would be great!
Now you should let me know Trumps policies that will benefit this country.
First and foremost, he will drill baby drill! He will once again unleash the power of American energy. This will do a few good things...
1) Lower the cost of fuel
2) This in turn lowers the cost of goods transportation
3) This will ease the nasty inflation we've been experiencing (it won't go away tilL we QUIT SPENDING MONEY WE DON'T FEAKIN' HAVE!!!)
4) We can once again be an energy net exporter.
5) Energy independence is a huge position of strength on the world stage
6) From a position of STRENGTH, Trump can then tell Putin to suck rocks.
7) There are too many benefits to cheap energy to list them all. Just imagine it for a moment! :)
He was already president once before, I can reference that shitshow myself.
Great! Now, was anything really horrible in your personal life compared to now that was actually Trump's fault? I suspect you are like most any liberal...not grounded in reality and just livin' on a feelin'. I do apologize if I'm totally wrong about you. I don't think I am, let me know?
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Right on there. Can't stand Trump. Here are a few items on the plus side for me - Harris said she'll bring back the border security bill that Trump killed and she would sign that. She's planning mortgage assistance for first-time homebuyers, tax credits for new borns. She's been behind paid family leave, affordable housing and free tuition for low and middle income families. She helped with passing the investments in infrastructure and green energy. She says she supports labor unions and has the endorsement of the UAW. Supports women's rights to abortion. She wants to support Ukraine with it's war against Russia. She wants to pass a middle class tax cut.
Now you should let me know Trumps policies that will benefit this country. No, forget that. He was already president once before, I can reference that shitshow myself.
There is the mantra that the immigration system is broken. Convince me how that is the case, what exactly is "broken"? The bill that Trump "killed " while not in office opened the flood gates further.

All of the other things you list come at a cost that someone is going to have to pay and if it is the government, that leads to inflation. If it is funded by taxes on business and the wealthy, that will cause an increase in consumer prices. Pretty simple Economics 101 in action.

Abortion is low on my radar. Let the states decide.
Actions speak louder than words. When you compare what these candidates have said and actually done, only one stands out. The same media that's making Kamala out to the be a world leader and respected, are the same ones, just six weeks ago telling you Kamala needs replaced as VP when Biden was running for President again! Kamala didn't even make it to the Iowa caucuses and was picked as VP because top democrats told Joe he needed to pick a black woman. Now the media is telling everyone you need to pic Kamala for the most important job in the United States for the same reason, female with dark skin. Don't look at her past or what she did in California or VP, just give us your DEI vote for POTUS!
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