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Where is everyone from in IA???


PMA Member
Just curious where everyone is from in IA? I am originally from Remsen, IA a small town just N. of Sioux City but now I go to UNI in Cedar Falls, IA. We do all our hunting around Pisgah and Woodbine, IA on our private land. Hard to beat hunting in the Loess Hills! Just curious where everyone is from! Have a good season!

Shouldn't you be studying???

Welcome to IowaWhitetail. I see you are attending UNI. I was born and raised just south of there. I headed to Iowa City after two semesters at UNI and have been here ever since. I hope you have found some hunting ground close to Cedar Falls as there are some great deer in the area and it looks to be a long drive home to Sioux City. I'm guessing you might sneak out for a mid-week hunt here and there.
I'm only 1/2 Iowegian. My mom is originally from the Mt. Pleasant area (Henry County) and her family had lived there since about 1847. I've lived in Nebraska all of my life, but enjoy frequent visits to the other side of the river.
I would say Baltimore, Maryland, but I don't want anyone to know that I have anything to do with that s<!# hole. But Baltimore is closer to me than any other city you may have heard of.

<font color="blue"> We need to burn this city down like a cancerous mole. Sorry, I just really can't stand that the government would let this go on. These city folks have no respect for the earth. </font>
Living just south of where your originally from. 3 miles north of the big town of Kingsley. We also hunt private ground down by Turin, IA.
I am from Granville, if your from Remsen you sure know where Granville is!! Welcome to the site and that is a nice buck you harvested with the bow!!!
Originally from the Quad Cities (IL side of the river) and have resided in Iowa City and North Liberty since 1999 when I started school here. Yes I am still in school but don't worry it isn't Tommy Boy syndrome, although I do enjoy a few midweek hunts come Novemeber
Born and grew up north of Decorah, IA but have lived in Des Moines for about 9 years now. Hope to eventualy move back home to Gods country in 3-5 years. Do all my hunting up there.
Was born in Lacrosse, WI and lived in Waukon until I was 5. Moved to Waterloo and gratuated high school there. Went to ISU and then moved to Lemars for a couple of years. Now I live in Iowa Falls.
Born &amp; raised in Independence, IA. But now live 2 miles off Iowa's western state line in Canton, South Dakota
Extreme Northeast Iowa here!! Born and raised in Waukon. Went to college in Ely, MN for awhile then to Mason City, IA, then to Cedar Falls for a couple yrs. Now I'm back home in Waukon where I belong.
Grew up in WV(near I-81, 1 1/2hr from DC). USMC sent me to Carolina, Tennesee, Missippi, Arizona, Southern Cali, Philipines, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea). One of my counter parts in the Corps was from Iowa, so now I reside in Jones county, between Anamosa and Maqouketa.
Born in an Oklahoma Army hospital, raised in Holly Springs &amp; Climbing Hill. I live near Sioux City now.
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