Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Where is everyone from in IA???

Mason City...you did say FROM .
Originally from Oskaloosa then moved to Gods country and bought my first farm in Decatur County around Leon.
Originally from La Porte City, just south of Waterloo, went to ISU, hunted around Madrid for 4 years, and then left with the Air Force for Alaska. After 4 years in the most amazing place on earth I'm in Minnesota now although I'm trying to get back down to Iowa for good!!
I was born in Grand Rapids MI. Moved to Northern Lower MI, lived there for 23 yrs, Now reside in Madrid IA. Married an Iowa girl at 50 yrs of age. I lived and hunted up there 100 miles from the Mackinaw Bridge. Hunting stunk, but summers delightful! Average of 72' days, 50' nights. Will never get used to hot/Humid summers down here, butmy wife and her family, and the hunting ease the pain. I work outside all summer.
I was born in Donnellson, Iowa...son of a share-cropper. Started my living in the drycleaning business. I recently hit it big and moved on up to the Eastside. I've finally got a delux apartment in the sky.....just outside town.
I grew up northwest of Mystic near Lake Rathbun. I now reside in Mount Pleasant like Lone Wolf.
Grew up in Eldon (home of the Gothic House and former home of Tom and Rosanne Arnold's Big Food Dinner). Now living in Johnston (just north of Des Moines).
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