Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Where is everyone from in IA???

Loess Hills ,I used to play ball vs. St. Mary's but if you're in school still I know I didn't play against you. Scrapper, we played Spalding also. Hand cannon, theres only like 10 people in the world from Holly Springs... amazing. I'm from Luton live in Tulsa now. I'm always eating lunch in Pisgah at the Old Home Cafe. Gold Ford from Ok. stop in if you see it.
Born and raised on a farm in West Central Iowa (close to Manilla, Iowa).
I live in Omaha now, but frequent God's country out at the farm on a weekly basis.
I grew up hunting around Manning and Irwin,then lived in LeMars for six years and hunted in the Loess Hills north of Sioux City. Awesome area!! Chucked full of Game! Now I live in Altoona and hunt mostly in southern Iowa.
I spent many summer days catching crawdads in those ditches outside of Luton. Now my boys help me catch them for catfish bait.
I know what you're saying about Holly Springs. I actualy lived in German City. You know that place just east of Holly comprised of 2 houses & a church. That big hog building on the hill was built by my Dad & uncles when I was about 5. It's still standing. Do you remember the Sulsberger guy w/ the crop duster? I got to fly over my house once, to a 5 yearold that was awesome. Man, I could go on & on.

I would like to make it to Fort Sill someday, to see where I was born. Dad was drafted for Nam before I was born.
I'm from good ol Madrid, Iowa. Anybody ever heard of it? Hey LoessHills, I had a college buddy from Remsen that I haven't seen in a long time. Would you happen to know Travis Colling?
Raised in Denver, IA now live north of Shell Rock, IA right on the river. Have a sencond home in NE Iowa at Highlandville, spend lots of time up there. Do most all of my hunting for turkeys and deer up there.
I spent many summer days catching crawdads in those ditches outside of Luton. Now my boys help me catch them for catfish bait.
I know what you're saying about Holly Springs. I actualy lived in German City. You know that place just east of Holly comprised of 2 houses & a church. That big hog building on the hill was built by my Dad & uncles when I was about 5. It's still standing. Do you remember the Sulsberger guy w/ the crop duster? I got to fly over my house once, to a 5 yearold that was awesome. Man, I could go on & on.

I would like to make it to Fort Sill someday, to see where I was born. Dad was drafted for Nam before I was born.

[/ QUOTE ] I've seen that church many times, I'll look for the hog building next time.I saw a buck fight on Sulsbergers(his sons) land about 10 years ago. It was one of those things you never forget. As far as Ft. Sill goes, I wouldn't worry about it unless you get drawn on an elk hunt( put in for it... non residents are always welcome here in Okla.) They have some big ones there too. I'm still waiting though ,this will be year 15 for me.loess hills, replied to your PM too.
Born and raised in Mason City but now live in Charles City, about 30 miles east in Floyd County.
Born in moravia, IA, went to middle and high school at Bettendorf, and now reside in Donahue.

This ground is so flat here I could see my dog run away for 3 days!
I need to get back to southern IA.
I am graduated high school from Chariton (South Central), but now reside in Norwalk. Not to far from home to go chase some Big Whitetails.
Born in Marshalltown (hour north of Des Moines), raised in Grimes (just west of Des Moines), and now live in Des Moines.
My wife's mother's family is from Madison county!!! I was in a Movie many years ago called the Bridges of Madison Ct. Still love the state even though i am a LATVIAN from Michigan!! My son has dual-citizen ship so i am LEGALLY able to party hunt with HIM!!
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