Your only allowed 1 buck during the mo rifle season. No party hunting, your tag, only you are allowed to use it.
I know your stance on seasons, but what if rifle only hunters, such as my grandpa, be forced to hunt outside of the rut, when he loves hunting the rut?
You can use a gun during rut its called Ringgold County bow season just ask the DNR . Its a joke usually hear it about sunset .
I wish Iowa would only allow one buck tag per resident per year, landowners get a second, and the tag is good for all seasons. I wonder what 3 years would look like....
What above specifically have I been empty on showing? I was simply confused as to specifically what you were saying I haven't backed up so far. Please clarify on what exactly you'd like me to show and I'll do my best.
Think any states will ever finally make the change???
If the goal of a state's DNR is herd population management, how does antler size/buck age structure figure in?
That's not the stated goal of any state I can recall. Happy to give you goals, quotes, public stances of many DNR's across the country. Stated goals of many states & deer biologists of those states involve far more than population management.
And, what is the "state's" primary goal, and what should it be? Who should it be for? What is the state's definition of a quality herd? Is it in writing?
Actually, Iowa gun hunters have some excellent opportunities at harvesting a buck in post rut. I watched a buddy kill a 170" nontypical in late muzzle as he was chasing a yearling doe in circles! I personally killed a nice 8 during 2nd shotgun a few years back as he was hot on the heels of a doe as well, grunting every step of the way.
That's enough of an advantage for gun hunters, not to mention the deer movement from other hunters...and ability to party hunt and harvest deer for other hunters tags.. and deer are still responsive to some calling as well if not under pressure.
that would be a very poor argument IMO
DONE! Thanks for the appointment!
Ok, guys some new rules coming down..... Gun season remains, Dec 7. Will never be made any earlier than 1st Saturday in Dec. Late Shed Buck season is now gone. Counties needing antlerless tags can do so in September. No other changes at this time. Please send suggestions to one of my staff members.
What I also took from this appointment was control of several neighboring states. Starting immediately.... MO will have a Dec 1 rifle opener (and double checking on this...) will be a 1 buck limit during that rifle season. It will be one week long. MN - starting today, your gun season starts Dec 5 in the southern half of the state. Upper half starts Nov 22. 1 buck and you're done. MI - No more 2 bucks... 1 buck and you're done. Gun season mirrors MN.
That's it for now. My mandates are veto-proof and we'll see how it goes for a couple years. The Deer Dictator can be re-appointed at a later date and I am looking strongly at tapping JNRBRONC for the position but we have to sit down to make sure he's ready! :way::drink1:
Don't hold your breath. Tradition often trumps common sense.
Easy now. When I hunted down there, those guys were just out song dog hunting.You can use a gun during rut its called Ringgold County bow season just ask the DNR . Its a joke usually hear it about sunset .
Easy now. When I hunted down there, those guys were just out song dog hunting.![]()
Maybe it's just that I am from Indiana, but it is one of the MOST overlooked states in the Midwest. It's between Illinois and Ohio... And it's just as agricultural in the top 2/3 of the state as Iowa, Illinois, etc. Indiana's gun season is 2 weeks long and always ends the weekend after Thanksgiving. Only shotguns, muzzleloader a and certain handgun rounds are allowed. And also it is WAY different than shotgun season in Iowa. Hardly anyone in Indiana does drives. I grew up hunting Indiana and I've always stand hunted there. Granted you do have a lot more range with a gun, but you only get the second half of November, so rut is usually trailing off when gun season starts. I think it presents a pretty a pretty level playing field for bow hunters and gun hunters alike. And any out of state guy can hunt for $150. No drawing of tags or tag lottery deals. Granted this hurts the state a little when it comes to big bucks, but there are still plenty around.