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Whose Animal

I think your having a hard time with this because you were unable to put your hands on the bear when it was tagged. Its kind of anti-climatic to go through all that and then be denied the opportunity to be one of the first people to grab hold of it. I also think that you will feel differently than you do now after its in your posession.
Get the DNR involved and it depends on which one you get. They try to stay away from it and will "usually" give the tie breaker to the last shooter... when asked.
I would say it depends on the specifc circumstance. If the deer were shot and injured badly by the first hunter and would probably expire within a day or so I would say it should go to the first hunter, as long as that first hunter were trying to make a recovering etc. Anymore than that and I would say it is the person who puts the final kill shot on it.

In the case of your bear, that is tough to say. Sounds like you where gone and out of the area. Had your uncle not been out looking/hunting the bear probalby would not have been found. It had survived for a couple days. He put the final touch on it. But still, sounds like it was pretty dead when he came upon. Tough to say.
Tough situation. If I were the first shooter I would not want it and if I was the second shooter I would tag it to be legal and be happy I put it out of its suffering but would want to get it to the original shooter if he wanted any part of it. Confusing I know.

Thanks for giving us something to think about and to share our perspectives. Sorry the hunt didn't end the way you wanted. Hope you get to go again and have a different finish.
I would say it depends on the specifc circumstance. If the deer were shot and injured badly by the first hunter and would probably expire within a day or so I would say it should go to the first hunter, as long as that first hunter were trying to make a recovering etc. Anymore than that and I would say it is the person who puts the final kill shot on it.

In the case of your bear, that is tough to say. Sounds like you where gone and out of the area. Had your uncle not been out looking/hunting the bear probalby would not have been found. It had survived for a couple days. He put the final touch on it. But still, sounds like it was pretty dead when he came upon. Tough to say.

I agree with this statement and that made by some others. Some one could make a bad shot and wound the deer, but it not be a wound that would have turned fatal. i.e a leg shot. In a situation like yours, your shot was not a quick fatal shot, but he was going to die from it. If you would not have had to leave, I am guessing you would have kept after it and found and finished him yourself.
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