Wilderness Buck 2010


PMA Member
Well, here’s my 2010 whitetail. I've watched this buck grow up since he was a 2yr old. He was tempting last year as a 140 class 4x5, but knowing he was only a 4 yr old I decided to pass on him in hopes that this year would really be good. Boy, did that ever pay off! We had perfect growing conditions all across the northern tier of whitetail range, so I was pretty excited about this season. But this year was different as this deer never showed himself all year. The first I seen him was when I shot him. I was beginning to think the wolves had pulled him down, but I held out, passing on several really nice up and comers for next year. It took me awhile to realize which buck this was. I figured I had never seen him before. But after I studied some photo's its beyond any doubt this is the buck I've watched for 3 yrs. He’s a 5 yr old right now and he still looks young, maybe I should have waited another year? Nah! Big Buck Down!!! Special to me is the history I have with the buck, and the fact that I shot him while he was standing in my mock scrape. He’s a pure typical 6x5 that grosses 162 3/8. I’ve taken 4 good bucks from this stand in the last four years, two of the last three have gone over 160 typical. And its all public land.



Letting a buck like that grow a year in MN on public land? That's a gamble since so many gun hunters here wouldn't think twice about whacking him a year...or two...or three ago. :)

Beautiful buck!