Will it be to late to plant?


PMA Member
I am going to be buying 14 acres of which 3.5 are crop. The sale should be through about the time the beans are out. I would like to plant something on the crop ground this year yet. My goal would be to give the deer a safe haven during shot gun hunting and feed them well. The deer in this area are pounded during the shot gun season and I wanna give a couple bucks a chance to grow up. Plus I hunt late muzzleloader. Any advice would be appreciated.
Maybe you could buy the beans and leave them stand. For added food broadcast some turnips in the standing beans before a rain.
Maybe you could buy the beans and leave them stand. For added food broadcast some turnips in the standing beans before a rain.

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That is a great idea, you never seem to amaze me
You can broadcast rye before they run the combine. Even if you just picked a rainy day in the next few weeks.
My goal would be to give the deer a safe haven during shot gun hunting and feed them well. The deer in this area are pounded during the shot gun season and I wanna give a couple bucks a chance to grow up. Plus I hunt late muzzleloader.

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Everyone has you on the right track for feed this fall, just walk the beans with a hand spreader. You could mix rye and brassicas even.

You key thoughts though, are for planting for cover. What is the rest of the ground? Is it timber or CRP (brome)? If it's open I would encourage you to read the switchgrass post as far as providing premium deer cover.

If not perhaps you will want to covert part of the 3.5 acres to switch (around the outside and foodplot in the center.)

Soybean stubble is excellent to frost seed switchgrass into...don't get any better...but don't seed that portion to rye. A light seeding of brassicas wouldn't hurt anything because it will die over the winter and the bare ground will be perfect for frost seeding switchgrass this winter.

You can frost seed clover into the rye where you decide to keep your foodplot!
Thanks for all the good ideas. I don't think I'll be planting any switchgrass, probably just a wind break next year. I'll be putting up a new house on 1.5 acres of the crop land. The other 2 acres of crop will be food plot year round and the rest of the 10 acres is old pasture land that is growed up with cedars,elms,ash,cherry,and plumb trees. I will try to get some oaks and shagbark hickorys planted in that area. Have any of you guys tried any of that new zealand stuff for food plots? Thanks again!!
Have any of you guys tried any of that new zealand stuff for food plots? Thanks again!!

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New Zealand has way more pasture while we have more cropland, so they have selected certain clovers and brassicas for thier forage attributes. Almost everybody uses some form of seed that may have had "roots" so to speak in NZ.

I doubt if the deer are going to race thru one kind of turnip or clover to get to a NZ one though

Personally I think it is a little bit of an advertising gimmick, but you can always plant some of each and see if they prefer on over another
If you broadcast rye 7-10 days before the beans are combined- they wouldn't be a problem. You probably don't want 6" of growth before the beans are done though.
If you broadcast rye 7-10 days before the beans are combined- they wouldn't be a problem. You probably don't want 6" of growth before the beans are done though.

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To bad it's not a little closer to harvest, all this rain would be perfect to get the rye up and growing!

Of course it could be a wet fall and they'll be eating rye and beans both in November!

I got lucky and spread my urea on Friday morning...been raining ever since!
Dbltree, No kidding if your the one that did the rain dance! Friday night I borrowed a pump, hoses, and irrigation heads after the rain was taken out of the forecast late last week. I was going to pump off a pond to a couple nearby plots today. Glad to see close to an inch in the gauge when I pulled in this morning. My boy and I fished instead much better day!
Thanks for all the rain. It was supposed to stay West but came right thru and up.

Cut and fertilized all day yesterday and also put a new plot in. Rain was out of the picture but we are getting a soaking.
Only downer is new pond was going in this week. Now we will have to wait.
Thanks again.

where and what kind of hand spreader should I be looking for? Any certain kind of rye,brassica and turnips or they'll just know what I"m asking for when I go to the seed house?
See if you can buy the standing Beans! Thats a smart idea, then plant the Rye after the deer have eaten them!! Q how much $ per acre would someone guess beans yield??? Any one a farmer and know?? Buying the standing beans is good if the price is not too high.
I have used a Scotts hand spreader set on the lowest setting for spreading fine brassica seed. You can get this at Wal Mart or any nuserey type store. Some farm supply stores carry larger bag spreaders that have a shoulder strap. You can use the same spreader for the grain rye as well but will have to open it up to match your coverage and will require alot more fills per acre. I would do the brassicas seperate from the rye while spreadiing because of the setting diffrence. Here is a link to a brassica post from a couple weeks ago. Brassica Post
If it keeps raining it might not be to late to plant....rice!

You can see the type of spreader I used in the link CI posted...and he's not kidding when he says put it on the lowest setting...and walk fast!!

Buying some beans back is a great idea Koba, I've done that, but a small amount they trash as soon as the rest is off. Could be pricey to buy 3-4 acres but it will hold em for a while if you can
Call it $6/bushel maybe a little less since they wouldn't have to use the fuel to combine them and good beans around here yield 50-55 bushel/acre. Yep, rye at $7.85/bag looks pretty cheap.
Speaking of beans...it's been so wet this month that weeds are coming up in the beans and they are having to re-spray them! Don't recall seeing the happen for a long time!!

You been out riding in the rain again pharmer??
I don't think my wife will go for buying the beans that would be pretty spendy. I think I'll probably just try the rye. Boy you guys must of really got the rain lately. We've only had 2 good rains this month up here in north central. Been prety dry all summer. Thanks again