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Would you ever?

I know I am going to take alot of crap for this, but I'll say it. This pushing deer crap is just so much b>>>Shi>. I know it is a Iowa thing. But, god almighty, this practice just breeds trespassing and lawlessness. Not to mention how dangerous this is. I own a farm in Warren county and can attest 1st hand how screwed up this practice is. These groups really don't care whose property they are on and where they shoot. The common theme is, ( My dad hunted here 30 years ago and by god i will too.) I admit I am not a born and raised Iowan. But for God's sake guys. I have 2 slug holes in my morton building. I have had slugs fired over my head while setting a stand. My wife will not come outside during the shotgun season, the first year here someone put a slug into our morton building 30 ft from where she was feeding the dogs. It really is a practice that's time has come to end. I have a farm in Wayne county that I treat as a managed farm. The locals think it is their own ground and I must actually be there tho keep pushers from hunting it. I have lived in many places and I can say that Iowan's are absolutely terrible about hunting places that do not belong to them. Not really sure what to do about this, I manage my farms and really put alot of money and time into trying to make my places real whitetail showcases only to have a group of guys just show up and trespass wherever they think they can get away with it. I have spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars.

It's really hard for me to understand and swim through all the BS your talking about. You keep twisting and turning everything I've stated into a direct attempt at bashing you. Your first post into this discussion explains it all. I really have nothing else to say, your a class act who thinks he deserves the world because he's served his country (or else you wouldn't have told us) You being a Veteran still doesn't prove anything to me, it also doesn't say anything about you as a hunter or even you as a person. I have grandparents on both side who served, I have a couple close friends serving right now and not a one of them ever expects recognition. Your actions, my friend speak louder than your cries over an online forum, of which you aren't even an resident of which its based. I know plenty of out of state land owners that have made great connections with their neighbors and trade offs have been made to ensure his "White-tail show case" is protected. Yet again, it's not my first rodeo with guys like yourself, and I'm capable of reading and filtering through the BS, of which you speak diarrhea of the mouth. I wish you well as the forbidden orange army comes to town next week. You should make arrangements to get to central Iowa and protect what you own, it's your duty as an Non resident Iowa Deer Farmer. You need to keep all and future Boone and Crockett deer on YOUR farm. You need to make sure that every group in orange is checked and anyone hunting within 100yds of YOUR fence line you will be calling the CO.

Good luck to you soldier and happy hunting :way:
Bpul2113, you should probably start your own witty post instead of hijacking.

To answer the OP, no I would not shoot a deer out of the ditch from someone elses drive.

Also, I believe in the regs it spells out which parts of the state shooting deer in right of way is legal.
Before I answer the OPs question about shooting that buck...did I receive a text about deer movement in this area?
First off, is this Iowasportsman, or iowawhitetail? Let's stay on track and not get bent out of shape. To both parties...

As for the OP:

Would I shoot him from the ditch? No.

If I had permission on said property near the drive, you bet I'd be posted up in case of that situation!:way: utilizing other hunters as they move deer... its part of the game. Every year I'll sit guys on fencelines where deer run while neighbors push deer. Keeping in mind the safety factor, its usually several hundred yards away from the drive, but very effective way to put odds in a guys favor. And 100% legal. Im sure there aren't many that can claim they shot a deer (at some point in their career) that wasn't a product of another groups drive in some fashion.

Sitting right next to the drive?... nah, I'll pass.. unless I know its a safe spot to sit
I'm with JRudd on this one. Just driving by and see them pushing so I set up. No I wouldn't. But strategically setting up guys well before people start pushing certain tracts of timber works well.

You think i am a non-resident land-owner? Where or how have you gotten the idea i am a non-resident land-owner? I live, work, play 24/7 365 right here in iowa. How can you filter anything when you can't even understand i live here and have for years. Again, tough to fight this wits thing when the opposition is unarmed.
Then you proceed to warm all the surrounding farmers and neighbors that this is now YOUR land and everyone better stay off, the big deer calling this land home are now under your possession and the ridiculous taxes you pay show that?

I would not setup next to a drive like that, sounds dangerous enough to me from a couple miles away :D

Like it or not, its their farm(s) to do so if they so choose....

IA shotgun season sounds like a war zone every year. I don't own IA ground, but do on the MO side a couple miles from the line and I have to wonder how any deer makes it up there with all the shooting/drives that go on.

Just because some POS OOS buys land...does not give anyone else the right to say they can hunt it just because they have for 30 years. Lost many farms I used to hunt to people that lease it now or bought it from "the city or OOS"...its their farms now and I'd like the same respect for any farm(s) I hunt also.
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I know I am going to take alot of crap for this, but I'll say it. This pushing deer crap is just so much b>>>Shi>. I know it is a Iowa thing. But, god almighty, this practice just breeds trespassing and lawlessness. Not to mention how dangerous this is. I own a farm in Warren county and can attest 1st hand how screwed up this practice is. These groups really don't care whose property they are on and where they shoot. The common theme is, ( My dad hunted here 30 years ago and by god i will too.) I admit I am not a born and raised Iowan. But for God's sake guys. I have 2 slug holes in my morton building. I have had slugs fired over my head while setting a stand. My wife will not come outside during the shotgun season, the first year here someone put a slug into our morton building 30 ft from where she was feeding the dogs. It really is a practice that's time has come to end. I have a farm in Wayne county that I treat as a managed farm. The locals think it is their own ground and I must actually be there tho keep pushers from hunting it. I have lived in many places and can say that Iowan's are absolutely terrible about hunting places that do not belong to them. Not really sure what to do about this, I manage my farms and really put alot of money and time into trying to make my places real whitetail showcases only to have a group of guys just show up and trespass wherever they think they can get away with it. I have spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars.

:way::way: Your own words speak for themselves. Fairly clear how a guy would assume your not from these parts, right?
Times are changing

Times are changing, there are fewer large shotgun groups in my area.

There has been a lot of local land bought by hunters from farmers. Also, some of the ground went to "acreages" of people who do not hunt. This has broken up the large tracts the shotgun groups used to push. The new landowners have made it known that they won't tolerate trespassing and have pressed charges.

I know of two large shotgun groups that have disbanded because of this. With the low number of deer in the area this year, wouldn't surprise me if more quit.

Honestly, i am not sure your capable of understanding this. You still don't get it, that absolutely amazes me. Reading comprehension can be learned, it's not to late.
First of all.......No way shape or form would I and I mean I ever be involved with that type of hunting. Just me. Just saying.
Second of all.......Booner, re-read your first comment to this post and maybe we will know who is the "DumbAss". When someone owns land and it is not yours whether or not "the boys" have hunted it for 30 years does not give any of them permission to trespass. I'm going to leave it this simple so maybe you can understand it. Again, re-read and think about it.
First of all.......No way shape or form would I and I mean I ever be involved with that type of hunting. Just me. Just saying.
Second of all.......Booner, re-read your first comment to this post and maybe we will know who is the "DumbAss". When someone owns land and it is not yours whether or not "the boys" have hunted it for 30 years does not give any of them permission to trespass. I'm going to leave it this simple so maybe you can understand it. Again, re-read and think about it.

How about you re-read what I wrote and let it sink it. I was crystal clear with my point. If you think I'm agreeing with trespassing and that types of hunting your higher than bob Marley in the 60's (most likely the era both you and hunter Dan came from). I never once said I agree with those actions, I however do think people are known to react, react to things that other people are doing or have done to them. And based off the bold accusations that hunter Dan seems to be making and or made, he most likely got what he disserved in terms of pissing in his neighbors cereal. All of what he wrote made that fairly clear, and since you're of the older generations I'm assuming you left your bifocals back on your wife's night stand so I was so kind as to bold his ridiculous comments MULTIPLE times. SO you Bill, re-read what I wrote. I understand the 60's and 70's was a bunch of racists and pot smokers so it makes perfect sense as to why you boys seem to be so against shotgun hunters and therefor put all of us into the category of trespassers and unethical hunters. Yet again, if you read what I wrote you understand that. My point was to defend us shotguners, the ones who were brought up with that style of hunting, the ones who enjoy the company of 20 guys hunting together for 20+ years, eating good food, drinking beer, and maybe just maybe shooting some good deer. Whether you boys think it or not, there are some good groups out there that practice safe techniques and hunt smart. We also shoot 15+ bucks a year but who cares, its none of your business if what we do is legal.
One last try.

Just to give booner a chance here i will try a direct question and hopefully he will understand it and reply.

Booner, lets say you just bought a farm, a 300 acre farm that holds and attracts great deer. Over the off-season you you scrape together a couple thousand bucks and buy a tractor and some implements to help you improve your new purchase. Weekends and night your out there clearing, discing, fertilizing, liming, grading and all that comes with helping to improve the land. You plant food plots, and when its dry... Your out there trying to irrigate to save your hard work. You get along good with your neighbors and everything is good. You really look forward to the season and when it begins you have high hopes. The season begins and everything is going fine till a army of orange pulls along side your farm and 15 guys with guns you dont know jump your fence and and start shooting in every direction. They wound more then they kill, they kill anything that is brown. When you confront them they say they hunted your farm 20 years ago and by god we're going to hunt it now. That's actually a quote or at least a very close paraphrase. Booner, a paraphrase is something that is very close to a quote ,but isn't.

Now i ask you... How would you REACT. Now, when you complain about it someone tells you you deserve it. Then they say you are lumping all iowans and hunters in that category. Also, does it matter where you lived before
Once you purchased that ground you immediately come down and put up as many no trespassing signs as you could buy from the local Thiesens. Then you proceed to warm all the surrounding farmers and neighbors that this is now YOUR land and everyone better stay off, the big deer calling this land home are now under your possession and the ridiculous taxes you pay show that? You also proceed to tell them you have $5000.00 in trail cameras that if you catch them on you will prosecute to the fullest.
What would you expect booner? Would you go around and invite all the locals and their friends and family to hunt your newly purchased land so you can own your very own public hunting spot?
Just to give booner a chance here i will try a direct question and hopefully he will understand it and reply.

Booner, lets say you just bought a farm, a 300 acre farm that holds and attracts great deer. Over the off-season you you scrape together a couple thousand bucks and buy a tractor and some implements to help you improve your new purchase. Weekends and night your out there clearing, discing, fertilizing, liming, grading and all that comes with helping to improve the land. You plant food plots, and when its dry... Your out there trying to irrigate to save your hard work. You get along good with your neighbors and everything is good. You really look forward to the season and when it begins you have high hopes. The season begins and everything is going fine till a army of orange pulls along side your farm and 15 guys with guns you dont know jump your fence and and start shooting in every direction. They wound more then they kill, they kill anything that is brown. When you confront them they say they hunted your farm 20 years ago and by god we're going to hunt it now. That's actually a quote or at least a very close paraphrase. Booner, a paraphrase is something that is very close to a quote ,but isn't.

Now i ask you... How would you REACT. Now, when you complain about it someone tells you you deserve it. Then they say you are lumping all iowans and hunters in that category. Also, does it matter where you lived before

Yet again, you are one of they most manipulative people I have ever met on this site. You come on as a bully and someone who the world owes something and now your the victim. Your post have changed from F-IOWANS to now your neighbors love you. I never once said I agree with the actions you have explain above, I however thought it was a crock of sht at how your lumping us all into this category and then continuing to bash us "natives" I'm a deer hunter your a deer hunter, the guys who do what your explaining are weekend warriors who gun hunt and that's it. That guy is not me!!! I never came off as that guy, however you my friend come off and came off as the wealthy neighbor who thinks he owns every damn deer within a mile of his farm. Your post made that very very very clear, and since they seemed to not be clear back to you, I quoted them, bpul, a quote is a verb and it means to repeat or copy, if you didn't know. I did this so you and the rest of the guys/gals reading this can see your true intentions. End of rant, I have more important things to worry about, you my friend are not worth my time :way:.
Have to agree with Bill after reading this that Booner must be inept or drinking one to many beers tonight. Booner you go buy some land in walk in the other guys shoes. As long as you have permission to hunt the land you hunt and your group is legal the rest of don't care what you do and who you hunt with. Happy hunting next week. God this is fun to watch.
I apologize in advance, but I rarely if ever get in the middle of a disagreement or argument between adults, but the personal attacks needs to stop! Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but in an exceptional (my opinion) website like this, personal attacks have no place. In my opinion it is about time the site monitors need to step in and close this thread of people cannot be civil to each other.
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