Now i am a racist and pot smoker. Honestly, you cant make this shit up. I am curious booner, how old are you?
Serious guys - grow up and stop the personal attack BS.
Here's the truth. Every Land OWNER has the right "because of our free country," "because of our military" because of the great people in this great country, to hunt THEIR ground how ever the hell they want! DONT ever TRESPASS!!! Not by accident not on purpose, if you do you are violating the rights earned by your fellow neighbors! Educate yourself on boundary lines, educate yourself on your neighbors fence line! You can hunt fence lines as long as your on your own. Be honest, be a good neighbor, be a good person! Hunt safe hunt ethically, and you won't have problems nine times out of ten. To each their own just DONT TREAD on ME!
Best of luck with this thread.
Whether you are a native to Iowa or not, that is besides the point. I am from Iowa, born and raised and just like any state we have our fair-share of scumbags and people with little-to-no morals when it comes to property and trespassing.
Regardless if your dad or grandpa hunted a farm at some point it does not give you a RIGHT to do it today or tomorrow if you don't have permission. I love Iowa, and the majority of Iowans are great people, but we certainly have a bunch of knuckleheads as well. It doesn't matter who owns it or how long they have owned it or where they are from some people just DON'T CARE! We have owned the same pieces of ground for over 75 years and trespassing has gotten worse within the last 5-10 years I would say.
Party hunting has been a tradition in Iowa, and I grew up doing it, but I do believe if it was done away with we would see a big drop in trespassing issues during shotgun season especially.
Any neighbor that respects boundary lines, communicates, and has common interests in maintaining their farm is a good neighbor. I don't care what their demographics are!!
I've said it before. What happened to this site. I sure don't remember all this bickering going on ten years ago. It makes it hard to post a simple question on here anymore.
Everyone on here is now an expert on whitetail hunting, and think that they have the right to make sure people, even those new to bow hunting like myself (3rd year bow hunting), when they don't agree. But they fail to remember that they had to start somewhere at one time too. They fail to give grace to those who they feel are "ruining hunting" for everyone. What about those who have shotgun hunt with their family for decades, and love the time spent with those family and friends, because it's one of the few times a year that they can spend quality time together?