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Youngmoose update (HE'S HOME)


PMA Member
To all:

Tyler went to surgery about 12:30 pm today and finally got out at 4:30. I'm happy to say he did very well according to the surgeon. Tyler has a pretty tough 48 hours ahead of him yet but the worst is over. They repaired both defects and right now he is in ICU and is slowly waking up. He has many tubes but one by one they will be removed and by this time tommorrow we hope the only ones left will be for the pain meds and a couple wires for a precautionary pacemaker. I can't believe how strong he was through this whole thing even though I'm sure he was scared to death inside. He never cried, wavered or faultered when he left us. I think he was trying to stay strong for me and mom. It was by far the hardest thing we've ever had to do. Many tears were shed and many prayers were said this afternoon. The hardest part was not knowing if that was the last time we would see him alive. Hold you kids close to your heart and tell them you love them.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. It's been said here before by others but I will say it also. The support from friends here I know and members here I havn't met has more meaning to us than you can only imagine.

I know God heard all the prayers. I know he looked at Tyler and said this young man could do something special someday. The doctor is optomistic he will go home in 5 days but much of that depends on Tyler. If he is as strong as he was today he should make that.

Again, thank you very much.

Re: Youngmoose update

Glad to hear things are stable and starting to look up for you and your family Perry.
Re: Youngmoose update

been thinking all day about your family Perr, thanks for the update!
Re: Youngmoose update

been waiting for this update. glad to hear everything is going well, perry
Re: Youngmoose update

Glad to hear Perry and I hope things continue to improve. More prayers will be sent.
Re: Youngmoose update

Perry, Glad to hear that everything has went well to this point. I will keep you and Tyler in my thoughts and pray for a speedy recovery for him. Please keep us posted.

Re: Youngmoose update

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Hold you kids close to your heart and tell them you love them.

Amen Perry!

What a relief to hear he is doing well and we will pray for a speedy recovery.
Re: Youngmoose update

Sounds like he's a pretty tough kid. Glad to hear everything is going well so far. Hang in there...
Re: Youngmoose update

Thanks for the update on Tyler. I have been thinking about all of you at the moosehunter house. It's great to hear some positive news. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
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