Huge bucks anywhere is just incredibly hard. There’s not as many as perception would have u believe. Any folks u think knock down tons of giants- it’s not as many as u think...... I can promise you there’s multiple whole seasons where there isn’t a 190”+ to hunt. I know multiple large land owners... countless farms where there’s whole seasons without a deer XYZ person really wants to chase.
In general- the ONLY way to have giants every year.... u better have like 5-8 “big farms” that have been managed right. That way- on a rough year- 3-4 of them may have nothing big but u still have a few farms with big ones. The amount of people who do have this or are capable of it: .001% of hunters I bet

. Very few.
The next best thing..... a guy who can put the work in for years to have 10-20 “good farms to hunt”. Again- very few will do this. The amount of time & headaches & work is staggering. If a guy is willing to do this- I hope they are rewarded. No one, including myself, would want to deal with all this. But it would result in giants. No ? in my mind.
so - guys who own, lease, have permission- ETC, ETC on “tons of farms”..... now u have to spend time on all of em.... pinpoint some shooters- takes tons of time. Then u gotta set up on em... get to 20-30 yards or whatever. Hope they don’t vanish. Hope there’s a food source that maybe u can pattern in October. Or roll the dice u find em during rut. Still neighbors, poaching, ehd, bucks that leave, u name it.
The guys who “shoot tons of big bucks” - they don’t shoot as many big bucks as u think. It’s ridiculously hard. When u get over 190-200” - it’s just so few deer have those genetics & reach an old age. IMO - most deer need to get to 6-7-ish to hit 200”. Some do younger but it’s more rare. To get that age and genetic combo to work out & seal the deal at 20 yards- so hard!!!! To do with consistency- at BIG deer- either: doesn’t really happen with consistency or it’s so much land, time, work, travel - it’s mind boggling.
When u talk 200” deer..... I mean, I know some guys that have hunted 20-35 years that I think are “top notch”.... maybe 3-4 200” deer is most I can think of????
100% agree- u can have best hunting skills but not be around giant deer. I know guys from MI or MN or WI who are incredible hunters.... usually shoot 120-140” deer at biggest - cause that’s what their area produces at the peak or best for their area. Hunting skills and big deer have some overlap but u still have to add elements that are huge obstacles... it really means only a tiny tiny tiny amount of guys can be successful at or or even want to do what that entails.