Or...are dummies like me and had a legit chance at a 200"+ once and didn't pull the trigger...at about 8 yards!! For real...way back when I started deer hunting I was more of a turkey hunter and I was walking into a stand once and spied some turks out in a nearby field. Jackpot! I immediately went into stalk mode on the turks and was slinking down a creekbed with an arrow on the string, as the turks were just up the hill a little ways from me.
Well...pure blind luck, other than I was deliberately sneaking my way down the creek, I look to my left and there is a doe standing there staring at me about 20 feet away. My first thought...CRAP! I hope she doesn't snort and scare the turkeys. I froze and we had a very brief stare down when I noticed another deer about 8 feet away from her, closer yet to me...on my side of the creek bed! Giant buck...holy crap...I hope HE doesn't snort and scare the turkeys away. (Yes, I was quite dumb in my youth.(Cue Wapsi...I teed it up for you there.
Arrow on string, pointing in the direction of giant buck that was less than 10 yards away...do not draw...may scare deer who will scare turkeys.As I now know, he was in LOVE and did not immediately bolt...but walked away from me broadside. He went to jump out of the creek bed and slipped and fell chest first on the opposite bank, making a loud sound as he landed and knocking his breath out momentarily. Still do not draw. Idiot I am.
He was later taken on the adjoining farm and scored somewhere in the 230" range, many, many points, mass, all of it. I had him dead to rights and I doubt I would have missed that close of a shot had I just not been so focused on those stupid turkeys.True story and I still have never shot a 200".
Ahh, you've won in my book by just seeing one on the hoof, live and in the wild. Put them on a wall and after we pass they’re just some deer some guy shot a long time ago and end up at a flea market...