Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

am I wrong?


Heres the lesson i learned. You get what you pay for. I learned the hard way a few years ago. I had caught crap for not using a local taxidermist so a few years ago I took a deer to him. Never again will I take the cheap route. I have seen some amazing deer that in my opinion are destroyed by the mount. My thoughts are spend the money to have him hang in the living room or go the cheap rout so he can lay in the attic. Here's a close ups of eyes detailed by my favorite taxidermist and one from the local that I'm a jerk for not taking my deer to him. Does anyone think I'm an a-hole for not destroying a trophy I have worked so hard to get? I think the eyes are the most important part of a life like mount.
Definitely not wrong.I went and looked at friends mounts mounts to decide and chose the farther taxidermist because the quality was way better for $50 more
I have yet to shoot a deer I consider to be worth the taxidermy money. When I do, I will be faced with a similar issue. Only in my case the local guy is a close friend as well. I don't think he will take it badly but in doubt I will use him. In comparison to other work I've seen its definitely worth it to pay more if necessary and get the job done well. You are not wrong in this case. Its your deer and your money. With that line of thinking you would also be wrong to not buy from the local car dealer or local grocery store etc.
You are not wrong. I made that mistake once. Except the taxi who I took my one deer to was going through a rough patch in his life and I think he spent more time on the bottle than he did on my mount, none of which I knew at the time. It is horrible.
Lol, that is a totally lifelike depiction of a deer during shotgun season!

I would beg the good taxi to fix the bad ones mount...
Who has/gets to look at it when it's all said and done? Whose money is being spent? I think you know the answer to your question already.

If the other guy was good enough, would this have even been an issue?
I say you shot it, you decide who mounts it.
Hope you are happy with the final product. Congrats on shooting one that made the wall:way:
I have a taxidermist close to me and know him well. I had him do two of mine and they're not very good at all. By the time you get them back and look at them its to late. I now drive mine out to Omaha. I live 30 minutes northeast of Des Moines. I just took my bow buck to him two weeks ago, and the deer he did for me last year looks better than when it was alive. $50 price difference plus a drive but I absolutely love his work. Hes done 5 for my dad, brother, and myself in the last two years. Don't settle for okay.
In no way shape or form are you wrong. I do understand supporting small local town businesses BUT it is also your deer to do with what you wish. And quite obviously, you made the right choice according to the pics. Don't feel bad.
I had my phone tilted when i clicked on the wonky eye without reading anything and I thought I was looking at a turtle head poking out with his tail up. I thought hmmmmmm odd mount. Helps if you read the post first!! I agree with you.
I had my phone tilted when i clicked on the wonky eye without reading anything and I thought I was looking at a turtle head poking out with his tail up. I thought hmmmmmm odd mount. Helps if you read the post first!! I agree with you.
The good one is 2010 the other is 07 but I have an 01 from the good guy that looks just like the 2010 only smaller. Eyes are perfect, hair is perfect. The 07 looks like the hair is going every direction sticks out all over.
Major quality difference. Dog likes him :D. I wouldn't feel bad. My first wall hanger I had heard so much this guys good, this guy sucks. Next guy says opposite. I spent all night on the internet searching for someone with a website. Found one that had no prices but great looking work. Went there the next day. Over an hour drive later and left him off. Price above average, quality above average also. I know where all my stuff is getting done in the future.
Nothing wrong with that at all. I used a local guy in Shelby Iowa a few yrs back because he was close and cheaper. I took two nice bucks I'd shot the same year, 1 bow and 1 muzzleloader. Both had huge necks on em. In return I got 2 deer back that had the necks of a 1 yr old. Now I drive all my mounts 6 hrs away to a guy in Kansas who does outstanding work!
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