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Iowa DNR.

Has anyone talked with the Iowa DNR to check out what mechanical devices are illegal to use in hunting deer ? I would be interested in just seeing how far they would go. Sometimes they aren't even sure what is covered.
I have always questioned how the Ozonics units could be legal in Iowa so after following this thread I thought I would I ask our local CO about them today. It took him about three seconds to say absolutely illegal. Mechanical devices used to aid in the harvest are illegal. I asked about range finders and was told that the ones that attach to the bow that gives you a reading while at full draw are illegal as well because it can be on at the time of the shot thus aiding you at the time of the harvest. My take was if you can have the device on and it is aiding you when you shoot it is illegal. I have no dog in this hunt but would be a little worried if I had videos out there with me shooting 150" bucks and up on film in Iowa with the fines that the IDNR impose. That is with fines running $10,000-$20,000 for deer 150" and up. Not to mention $1500.00 for every doe shot. Especially, if I was saying on film "I would have never killed that deer without my Ozonics because it was straight down wind." Might be a little incriminating while trying to defend yourself in front of the judge. I think I'll just continue playing the wind when I pick which stand I want to hunt.
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good freaking lord, a new product comes out, stirs some discussion, flugge asks the DNR about it, shares his findings, and is lynched. what the hell is this site coming to? relax, nowhere has he ever attacked, or degraded todd, he simply stated what he was told. i have replied to many posts involving things i don't use, or plan to use. i have done some online research on those same topics. i don't see that as stirring the pot.
I just saw a commercial on the outdoor channel for Ozonics last night by Jay Gregory. First time I have seen any advertisement for these.
iowaqdm said:
Mechanical devices used to aid in the harvest are illegal. I asked about range finders and was told that the ones that attach to the bow that gives you a reading while at full draw are illegal as well because it can be on at the time of the shot thus aiding you at the time of the harvest. My take was if you can have the device on and it is aiding you when you shoot it is illegal.

Soooooo you just hit the power button right before you take the shot and its legal. Just like you would on a hand held rangefinder. Or is this one of those thing if you have it with you while you are hunting its illegal?
Ok I just read through last years regs and found nothing. I guess they just expect you to know or call them for every little thing. I also tried doing searches on thier web sight came up with nothing. (fyi they change the sight)

Where can a guy find a list of all the hunting laws? The regs dont cover enough.
What about Thermacells? They are left on continously. Like I mentioned earlier, how about our cell phones using the lates apps to calculate wind direction?
They aren't aiding in the harvest anymore than a flashlight aids the hunter in getting in-position for the kill before light. It's a matter of perception of the way the laws are written. If I was trying to attract a whitetail I'd try using scent or calling them into position. Ozonic's isn't an attractant, and doesn't help you with the shot; therefore, it's no different than a cell phone, watches, thermocell, those new electronic wind detectors, red dot scopes, laser range finders, lighted sight pins, trail cameras, trail cameras that send pictures to phones (there's a real good debate waiting to happen)and lighted nocks. Where do you want to draw the line guys? You can't pick and choose what products you want to make illegal based on your opinion of them. For the same reason, DNR officers can't make the decisions on these particular items either unless the laws are written in a way that clearly identify what is legal, and what is NOT legal; it's a gray area.

IMO, more regulation is NOT what we need. The DNR should be worrying about catchin poachers and real law breakers - not this junk. Of-course, that's only my opinion!
Trail camera you got pictures of a big buck patterned with and you run it during hunting season......its on while you take the shot and aided you in the harvest of that deer.
They aren't aiding in the harvest anymore than a flashlight aids the hunter in getting in-position for the kill before light.

But the flashlight is not on when you take the shot....that makes it ok:way: and you have to take safety into acount.

I think Im gonna call my CO about every ten minutes for each one of the things I can come up with........naw Ill leave that up to someone else....... or wait maybe they use that stuff and dont want it brought up.:way:
Maybe someone should email this link to their CO and they can come on here and answer the questions.
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