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Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

With Trump and Desantis, I can nit pick some of the things I don't like...but, at the end of the day, I am good with the fact that the overwhelming majority of their policies I can agree with. I do think both are "electable".

Again, my biggest concern with Trump is after he is elected (if he was elected...playing the projection game here). Will he be able to assemble a team around him? Look how hard they went after Flynn. The media and bureaucracy will double down on any and all of those around him. They can essentially leave him alone and attack the lives and families of those who are a part of his "team". With politics and politicians...career suicide. I just don't know how many are willing to do this. I mean, 4.5 years for kicking your feet up on Pelosi's desk?! And numerous others who never even entered the capital building! These are the people we are talking about...It is going to require a true transformation.
I am truly afraid about the direction this country is going with Biden as our "leader"
Spend + tax + more spending + more tax is not sustainable
We are deepening the divide between providers and users as a smaller portion of us pay tax to support the masses who only Mooch off the system.
The fix is in and the deep-state of our FBI and DOJ is extremely frightening as they are also unapologetically leaning as heavily left as the Media has for years.
We need to elect a conservative with wide-spread support to clear the swamp - and it needs cleared deep down to the bedrock
I'm just not sure who is best served to do all that.
Trump gets things done. This isn’t a popularity contest. It’s about leading, looking out for our nation and at times saving lives. If Trump were President there would be no Ukraine war. The Dems who facilitated the fraud literally have blood on their hands. The crime spikes in the cities would not be happening etc. The examples are endless. I don’t care who Trump rubs the wrong way the man wins. Period. This isn’t a game.
Trump gets things done. This isn’t a popularity contest. It’s about leading, looking out for our nation and at times saving lives. If Trump were President there would be no Ukraine war. The Dems who facilitated the fraud literally have blood on their hands. The crime spikes in the cities would not be happening etc. The examples are endless. I don’t care who Trump rubs the wrong way the man wins. Period. This isn’t a game.
Do you're of the opinion DeSantis doesn't get things done?
LEMME ASK U GUYS THIS WHO POSTED ABOVE…. Stuff like “he’s toxic to voters”. “He’s unelectable”, etc etc. *& thank u for the responses. This is a great debate. I do wish we had a few folks who could advocate for why they support Biden. ;).

Ok…. Few questions on other side of that…
1) do u not feel Biden is toxic? Do u feel like Biden is electable?
2) we heard same thing almost exactly about Trump in 2015-2016. Same in 2020 when he did get 75m votes (vs obama getting 68m). Biden “somehow” got 81m votes. “Trump can’t win” has been said forever but despite everything they through at him & continue to do- he’s exceeded expectations every time.
3) my main point…. Don’t u think this has been the left & medias goal this whole time? To paint him as an unelectable lunatic. Grind him down for 6+ years often with no facts or basis for their attacks. Or when 90% of what they cover of Trump is the 10% of dumb stuff he says. IMO - 90% of what he says is spot on. On REVERSE…. Biden doesn’t even say 10% coherent stuff but he gets 90% positive coverage. The guy is a vegetable & the media, establishment, big Tech, etc shield him. I don’t see how it isn’t a win for the media + democrats + establishment to get folks to turn on trump. Cause the vast majority of what trump stands for is what I think most here believe in. It’s just a matter of “do u cave to the pressure” IMO. Thoughts?

& the alternatives to trump…. There’s a few exceptions but what the result will be IMO is this: a puppet democrat OR a: “McCain, Romney, Bush, Cheney, etc”.

I voted for Biden, and will vote for him again. Yes, I wish he was younger (I did not caucus for him because I thought he was too old). No, I do not support every one of his policies, although generally I am satisfied. I generally prefer liberal policies over conservative ones.

Conversations about candidates have their uses, but personally I think it's the platforms and issues that are the most important. While I'd be happy to represent "The Braindead Liberals" and have a respectful conversation with any of you about any topic, I would like to pose a question, or group of questions, to this clearly very Conservative group:

What is the Republican platform? What are the key 5 issues that Republicans stand for? What are the most important legislative priorities, and why?

More importantly, what specifically do you want to see done? If "Fix Immigration" is the issue, ok, how exactly? Spend billions trying to construct and police an impermeable border? Deport every illegal immigrant? Increase funding and staff the legal immigration process to reduce backlog? Etc.

I have my doubts that one more internet message board argument is going to benefit humanity in any way, but neither do I think an echo chamber where only one side is represented benefits anyone. Respectful conversation and exchange of ideas is what our country needs more of. Let's have it.
Acorn, consider us enemies. Biden sucks, and you're one of the ones who voted for him????And will again??? Get the ef outta here.
Desantis is a politician at the end of the day. Trump is not. Both sides fear Trump because he owes no one, didn’t make a career of exchanging support for….. fill in the blank. I’ll support Desantis if he’s nominated. He’s good. I think Trump is better. I wish he was a little younger though.

Acorn you need to wake up. Biden and the left stand for the opposite of every principle that built the nation. They are destroying the country.
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I voted for Biden, and will vote for him again. Yes, I wish he was younger (I did not caucus for him because I thought he was too old). No, I do not support every one of his policies, although generally I am satisfied. I generally prefer liberal policies over conservative ones.

Conversations about candidates have their uses, but personally I think it's the platforms and issues that are the most important. While I'd be happy to represent "The Braindead Liberals" and have a respectful conversation with any of you about any topic, I would like to pose a question, or group of questions, to this clearly very Conservative group:

What is the Republican platform? What are the key 5 issues that Republicans stand for? What are the most important legislative priorities, and why?

More importantly, what specifically do you want to see done? If "Fix Immigration" is the issue, ok, how exactly? Spend billions trying to construct and police an impermeable border? Deport every illegal immigrant? Increase funding and staff the legal immigration process to reduce backlog? Etc.

I have my doubts that one more internet message board argument is going to benefit humanity in any way, but neither do I think an echo chamber where only one side is represented benefits anyone. Respectful conversation and exchange of ideas is what our country needs more of. Let's have it.
1) Parental rights
2) School choice
3) Drill baby drill
4) Finish Wall
5) Term Limits
6) Congressional Stock Trading
7) Foreigner owned American soil
8) Ukraine / Russia proxy war
9) Remove open sexual debauchery / licentiousness
10) Flat Tax
11) Strengthen Military
Agreed. I hate politics but people who think Trump doesn't rub people the wrong way have their head in the sand. If he was a halfway polite human being, shut his mouth, and stayed off Twitter and he would have more people support him.
Would not have been the 45th POTUS if he had done that!
Acorn, consider us enemies. Biden sucks, and you're one of the ones who voted for him????And will again??? Get the ef outta here.
Not a stellar start to the respectful conversation and exchange of ideas..... I don't agree with Biden on much of anything, but acorn posted something when he knew he was an outlier. I respect that far more than someone immediately telling him to get lost. I see him as someone with different ideas, not an enemy.
I voted for Biden, and will vote for him again. Yes, I wish he was younger (I did not caucus for him because I thought he was too old). No, I do not support every one of his policies, although generally I am satisfied. I generally prefer liberal policies over conservative ones.

Conversations about candidates have their uses, but personally I think it's the platforms and issues that are the most important. While I'd be happy to represent "The Braindead Liberals" and have a respectful conversation with any of you about any topic, I would like to pose a question, or group of questions, to this clearly very Conservative group:

What is the Republican platform? What are the key 5 issues that Republicans stand for? What are the most important legislative priorities, and why?

More importantly, what specifically do you want to see done? If "Fix Immigration" is the issue, ok, how exactly? Spend billions trying to construct and police an impermeable border? Deport every illegal immigrant? Increase funding and staff the legal immigration process to reduce backlog? Etc.

I have my doubts that one more internet message board argument is going to benefit humanity in any way, but neither do I think an echo chamber where only one side is represented benefits anyone. Respectful conversation and exchange of ideas is what our country needs more of. Let's have it.
So you're pleased at the direction the United states is going under the biden administration? You like that the biden family gets millions from China under the table? You like paying higher prices for everything since Biden took office? You like paying for millions of illegal immigrants the Biden administration invited into our country? You like living in the highest inflation rate ever in the United States, thanks to the Biden administration? You like the crime rate increase under the Biden administration? You must agree with Biden,that parents who question school boards about what teachers are telling their kids, then labeled terrorist under the Biden administration? You must agree with gun restrictions since democrats have always wanted all gun taken away from citizens?
Acorn, consider us enemies. Biden sucks, and you're one of the ones who voted for him????And will again??? Get the ef outta here.
Be nice. ;). I wanna hear this as much as I want free speech for everyone.

Everyone - BE RESPECTFUL!!! He knows we are right leaning & he had the guts to post in support of Biden. I give him credit for that. Doesn’t mean I agree or like Biden but I respect the man for posting that… knowing he’s the minority.
I voted for Biden, and will vote for him again. Yes, I wish he was younger (I did not caucus for him because I thought he was too old). No, I do not support every one of his policies, although generally I am satisfied. I generally prefer liberal policies over conservative ones.

Conversations about candidates have their uses, but personally I think it's the platforms and issues that are the most important. While I'd be happy to represent "The Braindead Liberals" and have a respectful conversation with any of you about any topic, I would like to pose a question, or group of questions, to this clearly very Conservative group:

What is the Republican platform? What are the key 5 issues that Republicans stand for? What are the most important legislative priorities, and why?

More importantly, what specifically do you want to see done? If "Fix Immigration" is the issue, ok, how exactly? Spend billions trying to construct and police an impermeable border? Deport every illegal immigrant? Increase funding and staff the legal immigration process to reduce backlog? Etc.

I have my doubts that one more internet message board argument is going to benefit humanity in any way, but neither do I think an echo chamber where only one side is represented benefits anyone. Respectful conversation and exchange of ideas is what our country needs more of. Let's have it.
THANK YOU & props for having balls to post dissenting views. Even if we disagree.
I would vote for YOU over Biden! ;). I respect your post, point of view & the fact that u gave your position with reasoning.
Wanted to say this before I replied to your questions above later on. Which, BTW, are good questions & u deserve a respectful reply.

I’ll also mention this & this might be a shock BUT I’ll say it…. I used to be a Liberal. Not joking. Mainly environmental. Against: overpopulation of humans (not for abortion- very much against… , Just less human population on planet). “Against the system”. Anti-war. Anti-corporation. Anti-establishment & big government. Free speech, etc etc. Those liberal ideas left the democrat party long ago & why I don’t align with much on left anymore. A few things but very little.
I love the D’s on state level for outdoor issues along with some R’s.
NO BOX TO PUT ME IN!!! Im NOT what “left wing” is today. I am: Independent, right leaning, conservation conservative & skeptical of both parties…. & most of old school liberal things I mentioned above. That’s easiest box to put me in. :)

Thx again for posting your views & opinions.

This article popped up and I literally was laughing out loud at title. Maybe everyone can agree on this, left & right? A BIG- No way!!!!!!
& BTW- this is “kinda funny”…. When trump picked him, I remember saying “no way!!!!! Pence signed Rifles into Indiana’s deer season!!! He’s bad!!!!” :)
1) Parental rights
2) School choice
3) Drill baby drill
4) Finish Wall
5) Term Limits
6) Congressional Stock Trading
7) Foreigner owned American soil
8) Ukraine / Russia proxy war
9) Remove open sexual debauchery / licentiousness
10) Flat Tax
11) Strengthen Military
Hey, some common ground! (I think)

Term limits, 100%. Judges too, right?
Congressional stock trading needs to go, 100%
Foreign-owned US property, don't like it at all! Not something I've done a lot of thinking about how to fix though, I assume there will always be a loophole
I like a strong military, but I feel like we have that? I would like a military that runs on peak economic efficiency. I know quality costs money, but can we fix these deals where a fighter plane comes in 100 billion over budget?

Anyway, we could continue discussing, just wanted to point out some similar preferences. And some of your list I think we're further apart on! Thanks for sharing your priorities.
So you're pleased at the direction the United states is going under the biden administration? You like that the biden family gets millions from China under the table? You like paying higher prices for everything since Biden took office? You like paying for millions of illegal immigrants the Biden administration invited into our country? You like living in the highest inflation rate ever in the United States, thanks to the Biden administration? You like the crime rate increase under the Biden administration? You must agree with Biden,that parents who question school boards about what teachers are telling their kids, then labeled terrorist under the Biden administration? You must agree with gun restrictions since democrats have always wanted all gun taken away from citizens?
Yes. I don't think the Biden administration has been perfect, far from it. But I like a lot of things that have been done.

Of things you mentioned specifically. NO, I don't like the high prices. Grocery shopping has driven me nuts, and I am a person who is fortunate enough financially that it hasn't been a real burden. BUT, what should be done to fix it? What are the solutions? Certainly not government price controls, right? Fed needs to reduce the supply of money to kill demand? Is that what Republicans are calling for? (I don't know). How does that reduction in demand effect business/jobs? It's all a balance, right? Was COVID stimulus check from Biden a mistake? I got one from Trump too, even got a separate extra letter from him making sure I knew he was the person to thank for it.

I love parental involvement in education. I'm baffled by 1 student's parents saying "I don't want my kid to read this book," therefore no one else's kid can read that book. But more than that, I wish instead of these culture wars, Iowa was working harder to fix our roads and bridges.

Not sure some of your other facts are accurate, but we don't need to dig unless you want to. And yes, I agree with a lot of gun restrictions! I own several guns! I don't think very many democrats want ALL guns taken away. I think if people sat down and actually talked about this sort of thing, they'd be surprised on what they could agree on. That would be my hope anyway.
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