There are wealthy farmers. No doubt. By definition- if u get “1,000 acres” paid for - or whatever - that would qualify as wealthy- absolutely. Probably the same as any business. “I paid off my small business. All profits stay with me vs going to bank”. Probably took many decades for farmers that didn’t inherit land. & inheriting things also happens in any other type of business or level as well. But starting out… to get to 1,000+ Acres paid off…. Many decades. Much longer than most small businesses. & farmers usually “max out”…. I would guess it’s less than 6 farmers in country that are Billionaires. Only one i can even think of is family who started in 60’s or 70’s buying up huge swaths of mainly potato farms & sold those to McDonald’s. I can’t think off top of my head any other farmers who made it to that level. Think of all the companies that made billionaires & how rare it is for farmers. Or how many farmers are lower to middle class. I know tons of those. So- on averages - I would say the farming community is maybe in middle of pack. Certainly not packed with loads of mega rich folks. U don’t see farmers with fancy sports cars or speed boats or living up fancy vacations on instagram. As a segment- humble hard working group of folks.
& I’ll bring it fill circle to this thread!!!

…. I’ll bet 90% of farmers I know are Conservatives. Or rather: would be going “Trump or desantis??!?!?” Despise Biden.