I am NOT trying to be critical or overly negative. & before I say this…. This is NOT a huge deal. It’s a tiny amount of hunters, bucks & this is not a battle we need to have in any regards. & I’m sure not dead set in my thoughts here. Maybe I need to adjust my own thinking??? BUT….
The amount of very young kids shooting absolute bombers this year…. Eah…. It kinda concerns me…. I’m talking like 6-10 year olds shooting 170”+ bucks. I am NOT saying it’s wrong. I am happy for them. I love the smiles. BUT….
1) I’m worried these kids are not understanding the bucks they shooting & will spoil them for later down the road. What they are shooting are bucks many grown men in normal seasons never get.
2) I am concerned these kids won’t get captivated by the challenge & difficulty of hunting mature Whitetail’s. It concerns me that this may be too early & over the long run, this is not a productive way to get them hooked on sport. Maybe I’m wrong.
3) I don’t know if their minds are developed enough to understand the hunt & dynamics of fully mature, high scoring giants. It’s at a far different level, IMO than a doe, a basic “8 point” or a squirrel.
I am NOT saying my way is right!!!!!!! My son is 12. He’s on his 4th season or maybe 5th. He got nothing year 1. He got a doe year 2. He got older low scoring bucks seasons after. I still limit him to non-high scoring bucks. (Think like <145” & mature). (I personally started at 14 & got a 1.5 year old and it was amazing!!). The deer my son can shoot- plenty for what HE WANTS. He’s hunted countless times & got nothing. I’ll be honest - all by design. Lots of “non-kill hunts” due to dad making it work out that way.

. Still had a blast!! We could shoot a big buck first night if I wanted to allow that. I won’t allow it. That’s me. He’s put major time in. When he’s in late teens & i feel he EARNED the chance at a giant - ABSOLUTELY. He needs to EARN IT!!!! Much like when he buys his first car- he’s gonna buy a used decent vehicle he worked for. VS dad buying him a brand new truck.
I do understand this topic angers 2 sides & I don’t want that…. I get it… some dudes get pissed because there’s times when kids are USED to pick a competitive giant off before adults can go. YES- that’s very distasteful IMO. & yes, there’s other side that’s angry from other side “let the kids shoot what makes them happy!!!” “Don’t be a heartless SOB!!” I get it. & I get “let ‘em shoot first deer they see” (all good there). I get it- we know this creates some passionate positions & there’s some problems with it. Understood.
Overall- kids hunting - it’s a NET WIN. I wouldn’t change the season. It’s great, even if some questionable things happen. NET WIN. But- there’s some troubles with little kids shooting giants IMO. & yes, I am sure some on here have done it. Or will take kids to do it. I mean NO DISRESPECT!!!!! I will applaud u when u do!!! & please post em up & be proud!! Please don’t take this as a jab!! It’s honest mature dialogue!!
am I off base? Anyone else have these concerns? What’s your thoughts on what kids should shoot (& yes, it’s the adults that ultimately decide this). Kids are along for the ride & i want the best for these kids!!! What’s best for these kids in your opinion? Hot topic & i am open minded here. Sorry on long rant. U probably get where my head is at. Very open minded here!!! Thoughts?