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I tried to look up this answer but couldn’t find any info on it…

We decided late this past winter to add 10 acres of switch on an area that was just brome. We burnt and mowed the area this spring to knock down the shrubs that were growing. The switch is now up and about 3-6 inches tall. Is there anything I can spray that will kill the trees and keep them at bay that will not hurt the young switchgrass?
I tried to look up this answer but couldn’t find any info on it…

We decided late this past winter to add 10 acres of switch on an area that was just brome. We burnt and mowed the area this spring to knock down the shrubs that were growing. The switch is now up and about 3-6 inches tall. Is there anything I can spray that will kill the trees and keep them at bay that will not hurt the young switchgrass?

I’d be very tempted to leave a few shrub pockets. IE - Don’t kill them all.. Just adds to the bedding upside.
I tried to look up this answer but couldn’t find any info on it…

We decided late this past winter to add 10 acres of switch on an area that was just brome. We burnt and mowed the area this spring to knock down the shrubs that were growing. The switch is now up and about 3-6 inches tall. Is there anything I can spray that will kill the trees and keep them at bay that will not hurt the young switchgrass?
Triclypor 3 (& 2,4-d if switch is big enough- otherwise leave it out). I really like shrubs if u can let some pockets go & grow - I would. But that’s just me. :).
1983 uses duracor, I’ve never tried it or read the label- might be a tool there too.
Even when I want to keep shrubs- if they mixed in sporadically- they will burn up when u have fired too.

^^^^^Hey- u all read my mind & your posts came up after mine. Glad we on same page!
U thinking 2,4-d? I’ve never had atrazine issues. Switch, corn, sorghums love it!! ;). I use it post emerge often. Sure won’t touch the shrubs though.
Same boat on 24d. Get past 4 leaf stage fine with either. Before then, Rollin dice.

From what I've seen last 2 years, Duracor and done. Phenomenal.
My plantings must be a failure? I haven’t seen anything coming up yet.

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Was there bare soil when you broadcast? Get down and close to the soil. The red bases typically give it away..

See also post #2166.
Pretty much bare. The area was previously brome which I mowed and then killed last fall. A little residue, but you could see a lot of bare soil. Thing is, you can still see a lot of bare soil. It seems nothing is growing. I wrote earlier that I put down 4qt/acre of simazine. That was incorrect. It was 2qt/acre. I did broadcast it a little late. I was supposed to get the NRCS drill, but they fell through on me...
Pretty much bare. The area was previously brome which I mowed and then killed last fall. A little residue, but you could see a lot of bare soil. Thing is, you can still see a lot of bare soil. It seems nothing is growing. I wrote earlier that I put down 4qt/acre of simazine. That was incorrect. It was 2qt/acre. I did broadcast it a little late. I was supposed to get the NRCS drill, but they fell through on me...

Can you post any pics? Closeup of ground?
When you plant
Pretty much bare. The area was previously brome which I mowed and then killed last fall. A little residue, but you could see a lot of bare soil. Thing is, you can still see a lot of bare soil. It seems nothing is growing. I wrote earlier that I put down 4qt/acre of simazine. That was incorrect. It was 2qt/acre. I did broadcast it a little late. I was supposed to get the NRCS drill, but they fell through on me...
When you plant?
How long do you need to wait to drill switch after spraying duracore and what's the latest you can drill switch?
I dont have firm data on that. I use it as a post. I suspect it may not matter at all but I don't know that so I'm not going to recommend. If spraying a pre , atrazine and simazine are tried and trued.

How late can you plant? I drilled August 1 last year with great success. Scroll up in thread.
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