Agree with you all!!!
In my experience… spot on with what others said. 18-35 years old. A few exceptions. I’ve been around the block way too many times now. I’m guessing I’ve known, caught or seen 50+ dudes get busted shed poaching or poaching period. Pry 50/50 split. Dudes in 18-30’s…. Adrenaline rush, druggies, SOCIAL MEDIA & bragging desires. Jealousy & bitterness towards those with “great farms”. Or maybe addiction to horns/deer & once they get going - crazed & gets so bad they go down in flames….. big bust. & ya, the famed beating with Snow was on the corner of my farm.

. I won’t get into that but that dude had it coming …. Literally got caught & then started a fight. Didn’t end well.
The older dudes I’ve seen…. Same as above… “I been hunting here forever. Screw u guys buying land.” Or dudes that are white trash & got nothing to lose. Take their license - some of em kept going. Curious how often the older guys that do it have alcohol involved?!?!
My area gets groups poaching pry a bit worse than normal. 4 examples…. We caught dude bout 5 years ago…. They nailed him on 47 poached bucks & pled guilty to all 47…. Bet it was really 100+. Dude in late 20’s that was a meth head. About a $35k fine I think & other penalties.
Another similar case maybe 15 years ago…. This guy got pinched with over 100 bucks he poached and pled it down to like “5” or something way more minor. 2023 season we found bucks with crossbow bolts within 100 yards of road. Same year or year before…. Out of stater was shooting em with thermals. It’s crazy the stuff that goes on. I could keep listing stuff too!! Could drive a dude crazy… but all I do…. Screen my road, cameras “all over” & patrol a lot. (And throw guys we catch in the woodchipper but keep that on DL

) We keep tabs on it but after common sense stuff like cams, etc - I honestly don’t let it bother me or stress me out. But ya, catch a dude- he’s gonna be famous.