Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

That’s the soybean hybrid they went with. There’s a lot of elements to beans… much like apples or pear…. Varieties will have different flavors & attributes.
What most bean breeders have done is breed beans to be smaller & denser. VS larger & softer. Larger & softer tastes far better!! They breed for smaller & denser so it adds weight per bushel. The other thing that’s changed is they don’t breed for “low tannin content” or anything with oil/flavor in most cases. If u can get a more bland tasting bean to yield higher- u will go with that. Last- could be soil differences too. If one guy was far better on PH & macros & micros… beans will taste better. Simple solution …. Get older genetic beans or buy beans that are far bigger. If good bean dealer - they can find those. & get your PH & nutrients right.
What is your favorite deer soybean variety/hybrid you have personally ever planted?
What is your favorite deer soybean variety/hybrid you have personally ever planted?
Darn u!!!! Ok- I’ve got 2 syngenta beans this year that they gave me to try. (They both labeled under company they own- one is golden harvest). Literally dealt with the “dudes that are in the know” from syngenta there & they got me 2. & my local pioneer guy got me a variety as well. They are all super good. I’ll have to get back on this for the exact variety I tried so we pin it down perfectly. Back at u later.
Advice , About 3 years ago I spoke with Skip about my farm and he told me to sell it or buy the ground around me if I wanted to achieve my goals , Outfitter issues and he was right but I stuck it out and finally just got the property bought . Question I now have 10 acres of good tillable not enough that a farmer would crop it but going to use for grain .

10 Acres , Beans or Corn , solid deer density. Field is long and wraps around so it stretches across the property. Was thinking beans because of cost and easy for me to do with my drill. Was going to increase population at planting . I have about 3.5 acres of Green food connecting .

I really like corn worried it would get crushed before we get to hunt but I don's know , it s a risk .. I cant get back into spray because of equipment so though about conventional corn because of cost . Tried last year on small plot good weed control with rescore, so worked pretty well. Have to get fertilizer buggy and do dry to spread for fertilizer.

Have not had grain on my farm not enough acres of tillable and fencing has been a pain .. so this will be great food source in middle of my farm ,

Lots of CRP and round me so it will be a main food source and secluded .

Thanks guys just trying get ready for the off season , pretty fired up !!


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I think you’d need to leave 5 scres of soybeans or corn to last. Looking at how that lays out… or were you going to leave the whole field (10 acres)?
I think you’d need to leave 5 scres of soybeans or corn to last. Looking at how that lays out… or were you going to leave the whole field (10 acres)?

I'm going to leave the whole field standing . Beans seems to be the easier route , I could also over seed into them in September .

I just like corn so debating . Currently it's planted in RYE .

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Advice , About 3 years ago I spoke with Skip about my farm and he told me to sell it or buy the ground around me if I wanted to achieve my goals , Outfitter issues and he was right but I stuck it out and finally just got the property bought . Question I now have 10 acres of good tillable not enough that a farmer would crop it but going to use for grain .

10 Acres , Beans or Corn , solid deer density. Field is long and wraps around so it stretches across the property. Was thinking beans because of cost and easy for me to do with my drill. Was going to increase population at planting . I have about 3.5 acres of Green food connecting .

I really like corn worried it would get crushed before we get to hunt but I don's know , it s a risk .. I cant get back into spray because of equipment so though about conventional corn because of cost . Tried last year on small plot good weed control with rescore, so worked pretty well. Have to get fertilizer buggy and do dry to spread for fertilizer.

Have not had grain on my farm not enough acres of tillable and fencing has been a pain .. so this will be great food source in middle of my farm ,

Lots of CRP and round me so it will be a main food source and secluded .

Thanks guys just trying get ready for the off season , pretty fired up !!
The way the field lays out I would do beans the first year. If you have good deer density you'll have to fence off the beans. With how narrow the plot is they'll wipe that out in spots before it can get two leaves on stems. I would also leave 2 acres for a green plot. The older I get the more warmer winters are. This year my green plots got flatten by the deer with the warm temps. Diversity is king. I have 10 acres of beans standing right now and the deer are in my clover and brassicas more then the beans. Still have a lot of beans left.

Unrelated point but you have a killer pinch point in that food plot in the middle. Put a white pine rub post and a scrape in the pinch in the middle of your beans. You'll have a good chance of killing a target buck right there with that setup.
Is your only access off the road in the SW corner? If it is and you're going to hunt around that plot, I would either plant a heavy screen for you to get access or you can try to use standing corn to screen but that's not ideal.
Is your only access off the road in the SW corner? If it is and you're going to hunt around that plot, I would either plant a heavy screen for you to get access or you can try to use standing corn to screen but that's not ideal.

I own the farm to the south so I have a few options on access .. there is also an access road on the north west end of the new piece .. Thanks
The way the field lays out I would do beans the first year. If you have good deer density you'll have to fence off the beans. With how narrow the plot is they'll wipe that out in spots before it can get two leaves on stems. I would also leave 2 acres for a green plot. The older I get the more warmer winters are. This year my green plots got flatten by the deer with the warm temps. Diversity is king. I have 10 acres of beans standing right now and the deer are in my clover and brassicas more then the beans. Still have a lot of beans left.

Unrelated point but you have a killer pinch point in that food plot in the middle. Put a white pine rub post and a scrape in the pinch in the middle of your beans. You'll have a good chance of killing a target buck right there with that setup.
That was the first thing that popped into my head as well. Some radishes and rub/scrape post= perfect setup
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