Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. K

    Movement update...

    I haven't been out since Friday afternoon. Walked around and looked for a deer I put an arrow into for a while and then hunted the last few hours of light. Saw 2 does, 2 different 4 pointers and a basket rack 6. That was all. A buddy of mine shot a big 10 pointer that same evening, he taped...
  2. K

    I could vomit

    Some of the better blood.
  3. K

    I could vomit

    Started to find good blood 100 yards from where I shot him. It stayed good for 30 yards, then started getting more sparse. After about 125 yards of blood, we lost it completely. Some of the blood brihgt red and still moist, some was dark and completely dry. Found a few 'chunks' of blood...
  4. K

    Movement update...

    Saw zero deer this morning, pretty odd. Got back in the stand at 3:15. Had a big fella run a hot doe right to me. Made a bad shot (forward and high) and going looking tomorrow morning. 5 minutes after those deer came through, I had a 145ish 10 point come through on the same trail. He stood...
  5. K

    I could vomit

    Slice and Dice, it was all a 30 second blur from when I saw hit to when he went over the hill. I don't remember the sound the arrow made when it hit the deer. He did not keep chasing the doe. The doe went west and he went south straight down the ridge over top a rise. I believe he had his...
  6. K

    I could vomit

    Slice and Dice, it was all a 30 second blur from when I saw hit to when he went over the hill. I don't remember the sound the arrow made when it hit the deer. He did not keep chasing the doe. The doe went west and he went south straight down the ridge over top a rise. I believe he had his...
  7. K

    I could vomit

    Didn't see a thing this morning. Went and got my tires balances on my truck and the oil changed. Went home and took a nap and was back in the stand by 3:15. 3:30 I hear deer running. All I see is a big rack running a doe right towards me about 200 yards away. 15 seconds later, they're right...
  8. K

    Calling success lately?

    Have any of you guys been having any luck calling the last few days, whether it be doe bleats grunts or rattling? I've tried all 3 the last few days and also had some doe estrus out today. Sure seems like all the deer that have came into range have just came because my stand is in a high...
  9. K

    Movement update...

    Pretty good morning in the stand. The first deer I saw was a doe around 8 o'clock I believe. She was going up the ridge from me so I grunted at her (not sure if that's really a good thing to do or not) and she turned my way, 3 more does ended up being with her. I have 2 doe tags but was...
  10. K

    Movement update...

    I'm going in the morning. Going to have to layer up to stay warm, but I am giddy! I'll post up what I seem sometime tomorrow after I'm done hunting. Anyone in central Iowa have any updates from today? One of my buddies got a nice (150 inch or s0) 10 pointer today and a buddy's buddy got a...
  11. K

    Where have i seen this picture before?

    I got a text from a buddy a few days ago of that exact photo and the text said "hit my cummings this morning 46 points". Who knows where it was actually killed.
  12. K

    Target buck got killed...what a sick feeling

    Dekker, my guess was off by 1 3/8" lol. Wish you would have got him bud.
  13. K

    Quick Question

    The only time I run into problems of photos not popping up is when I am at work on the computers there. Not sure if their internet is just so slow that they don't come up. Once in a while, a pic will pop up on them.
  14. K

    Movement update...

    Slept through my alarm this morning :mad:, figured with it being cooler, calm, and clear it was going to be a good morning. My buddy saw 24 deer this morning, including 1 good shooter but it was too far for a shot. I hunted this afternoon. As I was climbing my ladder, I heard a deer coming...
  15. K

    Rainy Day Rut Action

    I meant to hunt this morning and/or afternoon. Slept through my alarm clock and woke up at 7:30am. I was furious, so I went ahead and slept for a few more hours and headed out this afternoon. As I'm climbing my ladder, I hear a deer coming.....I turn and it's a buck running right at me...
  16. K

    On the Board [VIDEO NOW POSTED]

    Nice work, that's a freezer filler of a doe. :way:
  17. K

    Carrying scents safely into woods?

    One of my buddies really believes in the Mrs. Doe Pees stuff. He takes the 'round' facial cotton deals that the women use to take/put on make up with. He cuts a hole in the middle of them to hang on a branch, wets only have of the circle so he can grab the other half (with gloves on) without...
  18. K


    Duck hunting in the morning, then I work at night the next few days. Then I'm off Saturday-Tuesday. I'll definitely be up in the tree several times during my days off. After next Tuesday, I probably don't have another day off until mid-week the following week so I need to try to make...
  19. K

    Staying positive

    Like wtj43089 said, maybe it's time to move a few stands or put a couple new ones up if you have any sitting around. But at the same time, those stands you're not seeing any/few deer at could be good ones in a week or 2. I'm still a greenhorn when it comes to bowhunting deer or deer hunting...
  20. K

    What's BEST early season strategy?

    My strategy is to pull a few cams and put 1 or 2 stands up tomorrow (Thursday). :o I've been pretty busy. I probably won't hunt for a week or 2 anyway, but I do wish I could have gotten them in a few weeks ago.
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