Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. trper

    MO-Antlertips NE Archery Turkey

    Had my chance with Mo- Missed my first bird after he spooked and headed the opposite direction. Second bird I had a moving 20 yard shot and hesitated taking the shot hoping for a move closer to the decoys. The mature gobbler did not want to have anything to do with the decoys. Lost the...
  2. trper


    I like the brown also as a all around color. If I have any complaints at all at least when it comes to turkey hunting out of it, the BS5 with its big black flap to the back is hard to control if it gets windy outside. It almost acts like a wind sock and is hard to keep tacked down inside. It...
  3. trper

    He's here

    Congratulations Shredder. Best wishes to you and your family during this special time.
  4. trper


  5. trper

    Todays the day!!

    Congrats! Hope mother and son are doing fine. Best wishes. Trper
  6. trper

    Greetings From the Classic

    The booth was a credit to those who frequent this website. Great job Chris and all of those who were a part of setting it up. I really enjoyed the little time I had at the classic. The banquet was also a great time. Not enough time to talk to everyone who was there but hope to get the chance...
  7. trper


    My prayers are with you and your family this evening. I was in your shoes three months ago when my mom lost her battle with cancer also. Seeing you post this evening brought back some of the emotions of losing her and knowing how you must feel this evening. It's hard to put into words to tell...
  8. trper

    Why I don't find shed's (part 2)

    Unless there any four foot beaver's running around in your timber on steroids you have a serious big monster buck problem. They look fairly fresh also. Keep a eye out for some big bone laying on the ground.
  9. trper


    Shortfused-- Just respectfully curious as to why you don't believe that he shot the deer. Has something been said or read that causes you to doubt their word. As for the tagging issue I talked to the DNR directly and are well aware of the tagging issue but chose not to make a issue out of it...
  10. trper

    Mitch Rompola

    The issue of the Rompola buck is such a old issue anymore. The reason he has not had is scored and taken up the issue of having the rack xrayed is quite simple---it is a fake. You are correct when you say he owes no one anything and can do as he likes. He is the one that brought the issue to...
  11. trper

    NR deer tag costs

    As we well know the operating costs have gone up for the DNR and the shortage of money in the State budget is causing problems for all State agencies. The DNR is being forced to do more with less. It is time that we take charge and start paying for the upkeep. Not just hunters but everyone...
  12. trper


    I was about 1 sec away from pushing the submit button to reply to your post DC. I could not do it because I did not feel that I or even yourself could reply or disagree adquetly over this forum. I spent better part of a half hour writing out a reply only to delete it. This type of agenda...
  13. trper


  14. trper


    I would also pay the increase in the license fee with no complaint. I talked with a DNR official last night and he advised (corrrect me if I am wrong) that the Director of the DNR would like to see the licenses increased to 12,000. They turned away over 6000 applicants last year. Thanks for...
  15. trper

    Trophy Taker Shakey Hunter Rest

    I shoot the normal trophy taker also. I have a small piece of mole skin on the front. Firedog, either one would work fine. I have been considering switching to the shaky hunter just because your arrow will rest on it that much easier. Both work the same though.
  16. trper

    Would you have sold it?

    Nebraska whitetail I took your challange and I must say I would head straight to the bank with the 100 thou! The replica's would look just as nice and all the money to spend on hunting trips would last a while.
  17. trper

    Top 5 Reasons to Join the IBA

    Thanks for the info Muddy.
  18. trper

    Top 5 Reasons to Join the IBA

    Just curious but my membership is up for renewal I believe this year. I have never thought to inquire if a life membership fee is available. Any info?
  19. trper

    Would you have sold it?

    Just me but I would have not sold it for 100 grand! If its worth that now what will it be worth at a later date if no one breaks the record. I would have a replica made just in case something happened to the original. I am sure you could insure the mount. I know it would cost extra but it...
  20. trper

    thanx to all of you!!!!!

    As some guys on this site know I lost my mom to small cell lung cancer the week before Christmas. I know what your going thru. It was a tough year for me. My mom was the strong one as I am sure your dad is. I spent a joyful thanksgiving holidays with her and my dad several weeks before she...
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