Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. trper

    Butcher Shop

    I would do most of what suggestions were made. The only suggestions I might have are to have a hole cut into the middle of your butchering table, same principle as filleting fish, to slide your scraps and trim into, bucket underneath or some type of container. Works slick on the table I use...
  2. trper

    A large Wyoming Bobcat!

    Here kitty, kitty! Wow That things huge. Have seen a few on my place the last couple of years but nothing like that. By the way Firedog are you hunting turkey this spring!!
  3. trper

    Who was your mentor?

    My granddaddy, god rest his soul, took me fishing and pigeon hunting with my first bb gun while my dad was in Vietnam. He worked as a night watchmen for a produce packing shed. I would stay overnight with him and we would go out in the evening and shoot pigeons in the rafters of the packing...
  4. trper

    Archers Poll

    Mathews Q2XL, 349 ACC, Montec 3 blade.
  5. trper

    Watching Out!

    If you live in a metropolitan area or even a small town it might be worth your time to check with your local law enforcement to see if there are any registered sex offenders livng in your area or small town. You might be suprised at who is living down the street. Our sex offender registry...
  6. trper

    land prices

    I bought my 300 acres just alittle over 2 years ago with 180 acres of solid timber and the rest in CRP for 725$ an acre. Have pheasant, turkey, and you guessed it, deer. Its mostly in Zone 4 in Southwest Iowa. I don't know what it might be worth today but I am sure I could sell it for somewhat...
  7. trper

    Watching Out!

    I know this may not have anything to do with hunting but I thought it to be appropriate in wake of the tragedy of the young 11 year old girl who was caught on video walking away from the scene of a car wash with the abductor and her eventual killer. She was either tricked in to going with him...
  8. trper

    Big Buck Contest Results

    Congrats to all you hunters and the fine animals that you harvested.
  9. trper

    Scary stuff!!!!

    After watching that video over and over I just can not believe the sheer power and will of that lion. Right after missing the guy and being shot several times he was on his feet in a matter of seconds before he was felled with the guides last shot. Wow!!! what a warrior.
  10. trper

    Scary stuff!!!!

    If the outfitter thinks the video clip is good for business then his concept of hunting is money driven. The lion deserved better. He almost got the better when he came within inches of breaking the shooters neck. (Question?) Does anyone know if those type of hunts are free range hunts or are...
  11. trper

    Binocular Suggestions?

    Everyone has suggested good glass. Although not on the cheap end the best set of glass on the market is the Nikon lx venturer. It has the latest technology in the coating of lenses to the glass. When you start to talk clarity and light gathering who better to know than a company that built its...
  12. trper

    Were you in the 4-5,000 to see Lovstuen buck?

    Sorry I missed it. Was back East in Baltimore visiting family. My mom is ill with cancer and have spent the past November visiting and caring for her. Bow season was cut short but what little time I spent in the timber sure released alot of stress. Plan to make it to your gallary sometime...
  13. trper

    The Bowhunting Blues

    Well said Limb, My bowseason was cut short due to having to go back East to Maryland and help care for my terminally ill mother as well as visit her while she is able to enjoy our visit. I was really pumped for this years bow season and the rut and all. I was only able to get out 6 or 7 times...
  14. trper

    03 Archery Deer

    Nice deer!!!!
  15. trper

    Wifes first deer

    Congrats on your first deer!
  16. trper

    My 10/18 buck

    You have alot to be proud of. Keeping the right perspective is important. Every deer is a trophy. If I could suggest you might try the late season blackpowder. I think you will like it! Congrats on a fine deer.
  17. trper

    got one saturday

    Way to go! Nice deer!
  18. trper

    Great Iowa 11 Point!!

    Way to go! Congrats! trper
  19. trper

    Dream Hunt

    Im with you Ghost. Let's make it happen. I don't know about the bud girls but maybe someone else can fill in. Dreams can come true. There is no doubt we will be taking that trip sometime soon.
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