Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. cda77

    Under armour - ridge reaper

    How's the sizing run on this set? If you normally wear an XL in shirts and sweatshirts would the XL be right in the coat? How about the pants? Order the same waist size as the jeans you wear or order a size or two bigger? Thanks
  2. cda77


    Mine did the same thing last year. Looked great until late August/early September. I'm quite sure mine was lack of nitrogen. Without knowing your situation, I'd guess the same on yours.
  3. cda77

    Transitioning clover/rye to brassicas

    I have half my plot in clover/rye. I'll be following it with the brassica mix in August. Wondering if it's better too spray the clover/rye before tilling under and planting brassicas or should i just till it under green. Thanks for any info.
  4. cda77

    Vexilar or Marcum

    Another vote for Marcum. Fished next to a brand new Vex Fl-18 a while back and although it performed alright, it was terribly noisy. I have a lower line Marcum VX-1 and it performs right up there with the higher line Vex's without the extra noise.
  5. cda77

    Moultrie M-880

    Just my personal experience. Not trying to bash the Covert. In most aspects it is a great camera for the price, but any deer 10+ yards from the camera at night and all I see are glowing eyes. Sure I can mess with the pic and brighten them up and probably tell what I'm looking at, but when...
  6. cda77

    Moultrie M-880

    I agree. I have a covert mp6 as well. Very sensitive and great battery life, but terrible night pics.
  7. cda77

    Moultrie M-880

    Thanks again for the replies. Had it out for 2 weeks now. 2600 pics. Day and night quality are excellent. Only downfall is the battery life hasn't been good. I'm gonna attribute it to the brutal temps. Overall very happy with it.
  8. cda77

    Moultrie M-880

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm going to hang it this weekend and see what i think.
  9. cda77

    Taxidermy opinions

    I got last years buck in semi sneak with a right turn. This years will be semi sneak with a left turn. It's become my favorite pose!
  10. cda77

    Jan 3rd ML

    Solid buck. Congrats
  11. cda77

    Moultrie M-880

    I just ordered a Moultrie M-880. Wondering how the guys that have one like it. Particularly night picture quality. Thanks for any input.
  12. cda77

    Where, when, why etc......

    Started bow hunting in 1997 (20 years old). First bow was a Bear Whitetail Master. First year got to 3/4 draw on a nice buck from the ground. My arrow came off the rest and hit the riser. He took a couple leaps and stopped at about 30 yards. I shot under him. Shot a button buck right at...
  13. cda77

    Johnny Stewart Caller

    For sale: Johnny Stewart MS-512 electronic game caller. 12 volt and 110 volt chargers. Comes with 5 cassettes – coyote locater, desperate cries of cottontail, baby cottontail distress, crow reveille, and crow and owl fight. Used very little. Like new condition. $60 o.b.o. Send me a pm if...
  14. cda77

    Chasing Tail

    I guess we know now why it's not on a hunting channel
  15. cda77

    Clover plot help

    I'm going to be planting a 1/2 acre clover plot this spring. My plan is to plant a mix of ladino, alice, and berseem. First question is does this sound like a decent mix? Second question is how many pounds of each should i plant for a 1/2 acre plot. I'll be broadcasting and rolling it in...
  16. cda77

    Best soil tester?

    Thanks for the info bowman. I'll check it out. Anyone else had luck with other forms of soil testing?
  17. cda77

    Food plot help

    I'm going to be planting my first plot. Small plot on small property with great cover. We're talking about a 1/2 acre plot on a 15 acre property. I'm thinking of planting a clover mix of some kind this spring. I'd also like to put all or part of this plot in turnips, etc. late summer...
  18. cda77

    33" super swampers

    He said serious buyers only
  19. cda77

    Best soil tester?

    I'm planning on putting in my first food plot this spring and need to do a soil test. Wondering what some of you use to test your soil for ph, etc.
  20. cda77

    2009 Artic Cat Prowler for sell

    Tried to send you a pm, but it said your inbox was full. Wondering how many miles, is it 4x4, what size motor, is it fuel injected?
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