Our government can't find the resources to provide after natural disasters....Katrina, sandy, etc....what makes you think they'll ever have the ability to take away every gun?
That one might be the front runner for story of the year...holy cow, talk about lucky. Glad I never bought into "the rage"...but that's a different story.
Basically, had this buck gotten away do to the broadhead, your buddy would've never known that he had stuck a buck of a lifetime, he...
SPOT-ON...because once you cape them out and butcher them, you ain't getting a second chance at any pics, right? :way:
That buck, that story, and the PICS were awesome, BTW. Congrats again.
The point of the post was to REMIND us all, that we can do things a tad different to maximize the pictures after the kill...when we REMEMBER.
If the pics are at home and not in the field, then so be it. I absolutely hate the rodeo pictures and the back of the truck pics...but that's just me...
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