This is a picture of a friend our turkey chapter took huntng third season. We do this hunt evry year for handicapped hunters this is our fourth year doing this. Mike has hunted with us every year and this is his second bird in four years.
We set up the double bull the night before just to make...
This is my biggest bird ever and will probly be my biggest ever. Shot on 4/18/2007 @ 6PM out of a double bull matrix blind useing a remington 1187 12 ga and Federal Turkey #4's at 55 yrds.
This guy had a neck & head so large my hand wouldn't close around it. He tipped the grocerer's scale...
I shoot a 1187 with a remington full rifled barrel and shoot Winchester 2 3/4 hollow point slugs with great accuracy I shoot 1-1 1/2 " groups @ 100 yrds> You can spend more on slugs but why when you can get the same acc. with a cheaper slug???
I also have a 2 1/2 power scope that I feel is...
My hunting buddie did the same thing this year. they got into the "love stand" and he popped the question and she said "yes" about a hour later his bride to be shot her first deer w/ a bow.
Now that stand location has a permanent name of "The Love Stand"
I make brats every year I use pork trim from my local Fareway store the meat manager is a friend of mine I ask him to save me the pork trim that I want I mix mine about 25 lbs of pork trim and 15-16 lbs of deer add two packs of Fareway's brat mix (they use 1 for 25# mix) I grind all the meat...
I see them eating apples also I was once told that get a kind of drunken feeling when eating these fermenting apples :bc: this late in the season. Guess I need to find an old buck that has been eating lots of apples :grin:
Something I found that works great for in between end of the season cleanings and at the range is I use the cheap medicated pads like teen agers use for pimples from wal mart. you can get a bottle of 100 for under 2.00 they are just the right size for your 50 cal.ML they leave no residue as they...
I make canned deer every year What I do is about the same only I don't put in any salt I just cut up the deer into 1" pcs. and pack in pint jars add a chunk of beef tallow (fat from around kidneys) on top of the deer put on the hot lid and ring put in pressure cooker bring up to 11 PSI of 90...
I don't gun hunt anymore but in the days I did I shot a Remington 1187 with a full rifled barrel w/ a 2 & 1/2 power scope I shot the winchester 2 3/4 sabot slug with great groups. I had some old rifled winchester slugs and tried them with just as good if not better groups
last year my...
My goal for2006 is just to be able to go hunting again. I "blew" a disc in my lower back for the second time in may I have a lot of recovery to do before the season opens I prob. won't get to bow hunt this year due to complications but hopefully I will get to hunt late muzzle season. I am afriad...
I have two DB blinds a T-5 & matrix both are the predator camo. This year first season I used the matrix had birds feeding next to the blind one hen had to walk into the stake down string she was so close. In the past I have had toms as close to the T-5. I have setups in the timber and in...
I had one fall off the wall in my "hangout" and the scull plate broke in two I used gorilla glue and you can't get apart now. a word to the wise read the directions on the bottle FIRST!!
First I want to thank you for bringing this to our attention Willie
You have a DOUBLE NO from me also I've been hunting w/ a bow since 1974 and w/ a muzzleloader from the begining I would HATE to see that in either season
Thanks again
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