Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. arm

    Gun Season Brings out the Worst

    Bring out the worst in what? People thinking they own all the deer?
  2. arm

    Heavy 10 down

    That's a sweet deer!
  3. arm

    First sit of the year buck!

    You the man!
  4. arm

    Flying with a firearm

    Yeah! Thank you!
  5. arm

    Flying with a firearm

    Has anyone flown recently and checked a long gun? Specifically Delta? Email, online chat, phone chat...I can't get a straight answer on gun case size limits and cost. I can find on the online calculator that a "speciality sports equipment firearm" is just $30; no mention of weight or dimensions...
  6. arm

    Quick attach for 3 point implements

    Absolutely only way to go
  7. arm

    Where are all the WORKERS?

    It absolutely works in big companies. It adds to the competitive nature of the environment where the real value adding employees don't want to be 'that person' that takes a bunch but is something nice to brag about at the neighborhood pot luck (theyre not taking the full amount of time off with...
  8. arm

    Fall seed for sale

  9. arm

    Fall seed for sale

    We can split. Updated that breakdown
  10. arm

    Fall seed for sale

    Purchased a pallet from welters 2 weeks ago but won't be needing most of it. Located by Indianola. Basically taking 10% off, and saving shipping if you're around here. $500 for all 10 bushel/560# winter rye- $180 250# 4010 peas- $155 25# red clover (freedom mr)- $110 18# radish- $35 12# turnip- $25
  11. arm

    2022 food plot and habitat prices!!

    I'll try more coops... My normal stop in indianola won't sell to the public because of a shortage...im not regular enough that means.
  12. arm

    2022 food plot and habitat prices!!

    Where can a guy get glyphosate or any other non selective herbicide right now?
  13. arm


    I'm seeding a new area with clover and rye in a month or so. Part is fairly steep and because the area is smaller in size anyways, I'd like to see that hillside. It's been mowed; I was going to spray and lightly till it to get good soil contact...only an inch or less. Should I be concerned with...
  14. arm


    Was just looking up what seed I needed to order for this :)
  15. arm

    First crop

    Last weekend in Northern MN was unbearable with mosquitoes. Cant say why
  16. arm

    Foodplot tractor

    Yes, this is my suggestion. Can throw a tarp over it at your property and be done with it. Loaders are nice but not needed for what you're looking into. Will say that when I started I tried to rely on neighbor farmers and its hard to get things done timely or at all because they have real jobs...
  17. arm

    Foodplot tractor

    Since you might not have use for it at your home, could you store a tractor at your farm? Then shoot for a no-frills bigger machine that you don't have to trailer back and forth.
  18. arm

    Getting stuck fun!!!! So it begins!!!

    Thought frost wasn't out yet
  19. arm

    Getting stuck fun!!!! So it begins!!!

    Ahaha so true. The call of shame to ask your neighbor for help
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