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Unbelievable buck, Congrats Skip!
That’s why EVERYONE should let their best bucks get to 7.5!!!!!What a beautiful buck! The ONLY negative is you didn't shoot him end of November after he bred a few more does. Congrats!
This pretty well sums 200" deer up perfectly. I have been hunting 44 years and hunting the Midwest since 2008. I've had 2 200" bucks to hunt in all those years on some incredible Midwest farms. I have seen bucks with 200" potential on several occasions, but neighbors always shoot them when they are young never giving them the chance to reach their potential.The math on seeing a 200” is pretty interesting now that I just read that last comment. I spent probably 30-40 days afield in MI for say 6 years…. Maybe saw 30 bucks a year let’s call it. Some years maybe 50 & some years as low as 5!!! Call it 30 average. So, 180 bucks in my life there. Never saw anything even 150” while hunting 6 years. My bro did shoot a 174” 8 point which was the biggest buck I personally ever saw in MI. Even driving & glassing the state my whole life, I don’t think I ever saw a 160” deer
As I transformed into full blown deer junky…. fast forward to a gazillion farms across Midwest: MO, KS, IL, NE, etc. I spent an unusually large amount of time afield across all states to the most remote & best areas…. I’d take the whole month of November off (negotiated this with college professors & then negotiated it into my career after college taking all my vacation at once). ….. hunt almost every day in Nov from maybe 20 years old until 35 maybe. Probably another 15-20 days when add in October & December hunting Road trips & endless permission farms. Between 3-4 states a year, I’d guess each state had “10 permission pieces”. So- call it 4 states, 40 farms & 45 days afield…. I bet I saw, Geesh…. 500-ish bucks a year?!?!? Wild guess. Maybe I’m off. From 20 years old to 35, I maybe saw 6 bucks that were 200”. Maybe 8???? But think about how much time & insanity & pure obsession of time to see that many & that’s spending almost all good days afield across countless farms. Means, in 15 years (from 20 to 35), saw 7,500 buck sightings if u said “500 bucks a year” (this is counting dinkers on up). Say I saw 8 over that whole time…. 8 in 7,500 bucks. Geesh they are rare!!! That’s about 1 in 1,000 & only reason I saw the 8, IMO was cause I spent so much Frigin time Out there across so many states & areas.
I have no desire to pound it like that anymore. Zero. Of the 8…. I shot just 1. 36 to 46…. Pry saw a dozen & shot a few but i also had 20-30 years of experience & was far more efficient & 0 to do with “hunting skills” …. I was simply hunting better farms, better age structure, better habitat, better nutrition, etc etc etc. I could hunt far less days & actually have better results simply due to quality of land & management. Put me back in my old stomping grounds of MI…. All my knowledge & skills I have now…. Start me at 47 years old…… if I lived to 87 (40 years) - I believe my chances of seeing a 200” deer would be 0% or slightly higher than that but not much. Now, if I could magically buy a huge farm in MI - chances be better but I still say the vast vast vast majority with even the best in MI- will never see a 200” deer.
They are super rare. The other side of it…. They could be “all over” - any block in Midwest …. They just get killed from 1-3 years old. It’s a low % that have that potential but of all the deer u see - there’s always a small handful u can go “he would do it IF hecould get the age”- they just almost never do. IMHO - more bucks have 200” potential than folks realize…. The only place u can see this play out where those rare gems show is areas where some deer can reach OLD age. Like 7-8 years old. Thay can happen anywhere infrequently & with crazy luck. Only places that happens consistently…. Crazy rare well managed farms. Remote areas of say Saskatchewan & Alberta. Some urban areas across country & any sanctuary/no hunting situations. U see those areas where deer do get to 7-8 & u will find some 200’s with “relative consistency”. The problem is- those rare places like that are as rare as we think of a 200” deer today- just so uncommon & hard to find.
If a guy truly wanted decent chance at 200’s & “there’s a few around on occasion”…. Easiest way to make those needle in haystack #’s become “somewhat common” (rare but doable) …. Move gun to December in MO, IL, MN, WI, NE, IN & IL & make them all a 1 buck state. If that magic change happened ….. 200’s would be “COMMON” & id say u would go from “vast vast majority will NEVER SEE ONE IN THEIR LIFE” to “vast majority will see one & even get one in their life”. I know the desire for 200’s is a wild discussion BUT…. In my mind, I think it’s better for EVERYONE & the resource if we had regs that did allow someone a realistic chance to come across even ONE in their lifetime.
Side note, continuing my ADHD fueled mind wandering…. U wanna solve the NR discussion forever??? U magically change all those states above to dec 1 gun season & 1 buck - ALL OF THEM!!!… NR quotas wouldn’t even be needed as no one would leave their state to “go hunt somewhere better”. Maybe a few for a second buck or a change of scenary but that would wipe out probably 90% or NR hunters traveling to go “hunt where it’s good”…., TRUMP Executive Order, NATION WIDE!!! 1 buck & move guns out of rut…. Every state would flourish & few would ever leave their state for whitetail.
I had a farm in Lucas county once.... I had a mid 60's 2 year old come into a plot one time. My labador was bigger than the deer. Baby deer with crazy giant antlers. Still very vivid in my mind.We got a 183 gross typical that netted 171 (boone) and was only 3.5 yrs old! No history with deer he only weighed 157 dressed ! So who knows what the potential was on that deer ! I agree most never get old enough.
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I will confess to having shot one myself about like that. ^^ I didn't weigh it, but the body was not big relative to his rack and we later determined that he was likely 3.5, maybe 4.5. While he scored in the upper 160's, I really do wish I hadn't whacked him that night so we could see what he could have turned in to.We got a 183 gross typical that netted 171 (boone) and was only 3.5 yrs old! No history with deer he only weighed 157 dressed ! So who knows what the potential was on that deer ! I agree most never get old enough.
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I would 100% support a one buck state. The number one killer of bucks on my farms since 2019 has been EHD.You folks in Iowa and other Midwest states have the best chance to see a whitetail grow to it's full potential. Your state(s) just have to implement a one buck rule. Your number one killer of bucks is the hunter.
I agree with both of those statements.I would 100% support a one buck state. The number one killer of bucks on my farms since 2019 has been EHD.